I just want to clarify something as I was recently blocked for my take on this.
I am avidly against people 'horny posting' here on Gaia because this is a PG13 site and there are actual minors that lurk here. It is simply not appropriate to talk about your sexual escapades when there are children present. That being said, I do not inherently think the vast majority of people that do so here are creeps with bad intent. I do however, know that they are not being mindful and are not looking at the bigger picture. I get that they want to have their fun on here which I completely understand but I feel so strongly that people need to be more responsible for their own actions.
When one gets offended by me stating my opinion on the matter, again, I don't view them as a creep or even some sort of problem, but I know that from their actions/words, they are simply not wanting to be accountable for themselves in that matter. Do I see that as questionable to a degree? Yes, but again, I only see them as being careless. I don't think those that do so are bad people, in most cases at least, they're just simply careless which is something I myself never condone.
Further more, I myself am made rather uncomfortable with such posting mannerisms due to my own personal past trauma and again, with people's lack of mindfulness as it can make others uncomfortable. I do think people should be more considerate but people are gonna do, what they're gonna do and there's nothing else to say about that.
As for being blocked by someone who disagrees, with all do respect, I don't care. I am blunt, as so can others be as well which I respect but sometimes blunt + blunt = bumping heads. It's fair and I don't take it personally nor should anyone else.