I hate Emerson... and transcendentalism. stare Yeah, it was a good idea and all but COME ON! Why the hell do I have to compare that damn quote "Nothing is got for nothing" to Edna's life and death from The Awakening??? I don't see any real connection between the quote and her life... And I have to write 3 freaking pages about it!
Well, time to do what I do best: bs my way through the entire thing, and I've only got a few hours to do it before I have to go to work! Well, it's either that or "Create a visual symbol for each of the main characters and settings in the novel. The symbol can be concrete or abstract. Draw each symbol and explain its significance" or "Write a poem contrasting setting or characters. Explain how you try to capture an understanding of the setting or character in your poem." I'll take my chances with the really crappy quote... gonk
=Based on a True Story= · Sat Aug 19, 2006 @ 04:37pm · 0 Comments |