Title: May love be expressed Rating: PG Disclaimer: I dont own any copyrights from Masashi Kishimoto. Summary: Hinata is in love with Naruto. But theres just one problem. Shes too afraid to express her love to him. Neji seems to notice this problem and takes action to help her get braver. At a Konoha party, she tries to use what she learned.
May love be expressed [Part one]
Theres a little gift shop. I wonder what they have? Maybe I can get something for Naruto-kun.
Hinata was standing in front of a little shop on a street in Konoha. It looked inviting. When Naruto came to her thoghts, she blushed and started to rush home. Then again, getting him something would be nice. Besides, the Hokage was holding a ninja party for Genins. Hinata looked back at the store, then walked back and headed inside. In the store, many towns people were in shopping. Some little children were playing around with some ninja toys, adults were supposedly keeping some of the children from breaking the gift shops products, like they say you break it you buy it. Hinata wandered over to a section of the shop and looked around for what Naruto might like. She sees a little glass figurine doll. '....wow, how cute.'
Hinata gently picked up the doll, careful not to break it. She examined its features, wondering if Naruto would be responsible enough to take care of it. When she came to her decision, she took out her wallet and walked to the front counter. The lady smiled and rung up the price and asked:
"To make sure this precious little gift doesnt break, would you like a box to set this in?" Hinata shyly nodded and waited as the lady went behind the counter to fetch a box and wrapping paper.
Hinata sat at the table in the main house and admired the doll. 'Naruto-kuns so busy with his missions all the time, he might not have time to keep this doll. But, I....I love him so much...I want him to have this...' Hinata turned over the doll and gazed at the back, then set it down and gazed out the window. "You know, you should think about getting a better hobby than oggling over that air-head, Naruto..." A cold voice said from the other end of the room. Hinata looked around and saw Neji leaning against the wall, leering at the same window.
[Go back to my journal to see the second part]
-Shades-of-silence- · Mon Sep 04, 2006 @ 04:11am · 0 Comments |