I want to submit my avatar next week! but first i'm gonna get money. here's my description.
A peasant girl prowled through the forest cautiously. This peasant girl, whose name was Terri, was searchinig for the valuable sno yeti. The other day, she had heard the elders in her small town talking about this strange mystical animal that had special powers to grant any wish. She used her boombox (which had been in the family for a while already) to lure the creatures toward her. Using the net, Terri would catch them. Little did she know that one was behind her...
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[b:8133896a39]Profile shop currently on hiatus~ Please don't PM me regarding profile orders (PM-ing for profile help is welcome though!). Thanks so much! <3[/b:8133896a39]
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★ 夢の奇蹟 ★ Art.in.Variety | & you
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★ 夢の奇蹟 ★ Art.in.Variety | & you