Heaven vs hell part 3 the long awaited fight
Yes its finually done, the third part of the heaven vs hell series I have made, using flash. Watch as kikyo and lanerkin go one on one to see who reins surpreme.
Click here to watch the YOUTUBE version (maybe just a little bit blury due to uploading, sorry, it helps to have a faster computer.)
Click here to watch the Quicktime version
Yes I do plan on making a fourth one. mrgreen
Heres a chance to win 15K, but once agin you must answer all 10 questions correct! (rp character questions)
1. Inferno had one ability that his father salazar never had, what was it? a. to be able to use fire based attacks b. to be bale to hold carnage and use it as a weapon c. sense auras frm a distance d. wipe out almost the entire demon hunter race.
2.Inferno has only two weapons, what are they? a.sword and sheild b.carnage and himself c.carnage and fire wrip d.carnage and fire axe
3.Inferno has only transformed into hate form how many times? a. once b. twice c. three times d. a bunch of times
4. when did Inferno fight kikyo (leader of hell)? a.In hate form b. in hell , fighting for the rank of commaner of hell c. during the war d. Inferno fought kikyo in the tournment
5.Carnage's special ability is to hold and use? a.chaos energy b. powerful attacks c.fire power d. dark energy
6.who is the only one besides inferno to use carnage? a. damuis b. barrage c. maya d. no one
7. what are inferno's top three moves? a.firestorm, chaos beam, and fire strikes of death b.chaos beam, fire strikes of death, fire tornado c. firestorm, chaos beam, complete annihilation d.firestorm, chaos beam, back slash kick
8.Inferno and kite has known each other for awhile and have fought many times, but their most recent fight was when? a. kite wanted revenge on inferno for killing yume b.kite to get in the tournment by beating inferno c.kite was naked doin rock paper siccors d.kite was doin rock paper siccors to settle an arguement
9.how many times has Inferno died? a.once b. twice b. three times c. never
10.Carnage was not always a pitchfork, it was once a ? a.sword b. great power force fused into an axe c.spear d.fire blaster
BONUS QUESTION worth a 100 gold!!((100 gold no matter what if you get just this question right?)) Inferno has killed many beings in his time, what race did he completey wipe out? a.angels b.demon hunters c.humans d. vampires
I HATE YOU WITH A PASSION · Fri Sep 22, 2006 @ 04:48pm · 3 Comments |