I had this dream a year ago? i can still remember it. It is an anime dream ( i have tons of those but this was diffrent) It was about a man? boy? teen? hmm teen i think and he was at the botom of a hill behind a tree. It was a song. (like you hear at the end of an anime like that) and a woman was singing. At the top of the hill was his mother and she was looking for him. He was sitting behind a tree. The woman sung something like " Mother come look for me. why won't you come down the hill? Don't stop please. Come down the hill" and then near the end she said " Mom don't look for me anymore" and the mother goes back into the house and i see the guy again (but i never saw his entire face) and he smiles. And the song ended there.( when i saw him it only showed his nose and mouth and a little below his shoulders. It was sad it would let me forget it. But he mother never bothers to come down the hill. What do you think of it? He didn't want her to stop looking for him and he was weak and couldn't move. But then at the end when he knows she goes in and stops looking for him he smiles and dies i believe it was a truly sad song. I am almost 100% sure he did though. my mind is telling me he was a soilder too
Kuro__Yuki · Sat Sep 23, 2006 @ 01:12am · 1 Comments |