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[u]Vampires and Vampire Society[/u] [u]Becoming a Vampire[/u] One becomes a vampire by drinking a vampire's blood or by being the victim of an explicit curse The new vampire at the time of their embrace will... Be drained to the point of death and revived on their Sire’s blood. On waking they will be sluggish or fierce depending on their nature. Need to feed shortly after being fledged. A sire may have a mortal victim on hand for the childe. (Preferable not one of the childe's loved ones as this may emotionally damage the fledgling). The "Embrace" is the ceremony through which a new vampire is properly created. At the embrace a sire will... Drain the young one until the point of death. The vampiric blood would eventually kill the childe in any case; allowing the childe to die in the arms of the sire rather than possibly alone, reduces the chances of madness resulting from the embrace. Bind the soul to prevent its departure while the body dies. An unbound soul will simply depart the body and will not then be revivable or the animated course will be a soulless abomination such as a zombie. Revive the young vampire by forcing the vampiric blood into the lifeless mouth of the childe. Usually just a little will revive the urge to suckle in the childe. Note that for the strongest fledgling, feeding must be done from the throat. It is possible to sire from the wrist or other artery, but it produces a weaker childe. The risk from throat wounds is always greater since it produces a throat wound and the fledgling may not fully understand how to close the wound. Allow the young vampire to drink their fill. A note on "Re-Siring" - To be re-sired is the method through which and existing vampire is made a part of a vampire clan. The process is the same as the embrace. The bonds once held between the vampire that is being re-sired and that vampire’s former Sire is be broken by the re-siring and a new one formed in its place. The Sabbat Embrace their fledglings in the same manner. In addition to the Embrace they perform another ceremony called Shovel Heading. The new vampire is handed a shovel and made to dig a grave. The new pack member is then hit over the head with a shovel and pushed into the fresh grave. They are then buried alive and must claw their way to the surface. The reason behind this ceremony is to weed out the weak. If the new vampire does not make it out of their grave, they are considered to be too weak for the pack and killed. [u]Feeding - Taking Vitae (blood) [/u] Vampires get stronger as they age and when they feed. Vampires appear the age at which they became a vampire. Some characteristics of strength and powers may be taken from an immortal being by drinking their vitae. Being fed on is pleasurable for the victim. Pain may felt but it passes quickly. The act of feeding is often referred to as "The Kiss". The experience of the victim may be anything from mild pleasure to full rapture. Blood must be "fresh". Stored or refrigerated blood offers little value as it has lost its life force. Blood wine has no real value either, if a blood wine is made from vampire blood, it may be used for the Ritual Embrace, known as the declaration of alliance, or to ghoul. Mortal blood is the sustenance of life for the vampire. All vampires must take at least some blood of living mortal creatures. Mortal blood gives greater energy and the illusion of life. It is the staple of most vampires. Vampires can become intoxicated by drugs or alcohol secondhand (e.g. by drinking from an intoxicated victim) Demon blood is both intoxicating and powerful depending on the strength and age of the demon. To some it may also become addictive. Vampire blood increases the strength and power of the vampire more quickly than mortal blood. The sharing of blood between vampires such as in a communion ritual does not provide any relief to hunger in the long term since there is no real gain in the amount of nourishment obtained by the pair. A vampire electing to feed another vampire on their own blood must ultimately replenish that vitae lost in the feeding. Angel blood is sweet, but it damns the soul of the vampire. Werewolf Blood is a powerful medicine and will heal many injuries and afflictions for a vampire. But it is also very difficult to obtain. Immortal blood is much like human blood, but quite more powerful. Vampires can be sustained by animal blood, though it is distasteful to most. [u]The Six Traditions [/u] [u]The First Tradition: The Masquerade. [/u] The Masquerade is at the heart of the Camarilla's very existence. The fact that vampires are real must be hidden from mortal eyes. Violations of this Tradition are usually punishable by death, if not worse. Every Camarilla vampire is supposed to be on watch for violations of the Masquerade, and to stop any breach he or she might come across. Failure to halt a violation of the Masquerade, or to report such to the appropriate authorities, is almost as bad as breaking the Tradition itself; the Camarilla takes the Masquerade very seriously. As a result, sheriffs and their deputies constantly scan the Rack and barrens for even the slightest errors in upholding the Tradition. While the other Laws of the Camarilla are occasionally subject to loose interpretation, the First Tradition remains inviolable. [u]The Second Tradition: The Domain[/u] The Prince holds ultimate authority over his or her territory. Any vampire not of the Prince’s clan must ask the prince for permission to hunt and dwell on his or her lands. To violate this law is an act of war and may be acted upon with hostility. [u] The Third Tradition: The Progeny[/u] One of the most difficult problems facing the Camarilla is that of numbers. Vampires beget more vampires, and population control is a far more serious matter than among mortals. Having too many vampires in a territory threatens the Masquerade and makes hunting difficult. On the other hand, having too few Kindred leaves the city open to attack. As a result, princes naturally want to know how many Kindred are in their cities, and to whom they putatively owe allegiance hence, the rise of the Third Tradition. Only the Prince has the right of progeny, he or she ultimately chooses which mortals will be brought into the clan. To violate this law means death for the fledgling, and perhaps with the death of the violator of this law. [u]The Fourth Tradition: The Accounting [/u] Bringing a mortal into the world of the Camarilla is a huge risk. Any neonate has the potential to blunder and thus bring down the Masquerade. As a result, a new vampires sire is held responsible for that childe's behavior and actions. Any penalty the childe's behavior earns, the sire faces in full. Older princes take this Tradition seriously, feeling that the accounting forces young Kindred to take the Embrace seriously and choose their progeny carefully. [u]The Fifth Tradition: Hospitality [/u] Predators are always very polite with one another. Social graces keep them from tearing each other apart, and allow them to establish relationships other than kill-or-be-killed. This Tradition allows Kindred to move in one another’s territory without immediately coming into conflict. It is simply a mandate for all strangers entering a city to present themselves to the Prince. The presentation can take many forms, from a simple greeting to a recitation of one's lineage to a demand for service while in the city. By accepting vampires who presents themselves, a prince grants that Kindred to stay, dwell, and hunt within his city. By presenting himself, the vampire acknowledges the prince's authority and ensures that he isn't immediately brought down by a scourge who doesn't know him on sight. [u]The Sixth Tradition: Destruction [/u] According to the oldest known readings of this tradition, the Sixth grants a sire the right to destroy and all of his progeny. Under the Camarilla, that right has been given to the Prince, who now holds the right of life and death over all of his subjects. He can not exercise that right too cavalierly, lest he risk a coup to deprive him of this power, but through the office of the blood hunt, a prince can sentence any Kindred in his domain to death. All Camarilla clans, and some independent clans follow these six traditions in some form or another. The Sabbat follows other traditions. [u]Here are some basic guidelines for playing vampires.[/u] All vampire characters must be played according to the guidelines set forth. There are various vampire clans each claiming a section of the area some being sabbat, some being camarilla and others independent. There is constant battle between the various factions of vampire clans especially on the borders of their given territories. The vast majority of the populations are humans, the vampire population is considerably smaller than the human population, but it is rather large. There is a central governing body for the sabbat, each pack having a leader. The camarilla have no central governing body, each Prince has total control over his or her territory. While not united under a body of government, the camarilla Princes are usually allies. Independent clans also do not have a central governing body, each pack, clan or vampire acts according to his or her own set of rules. All vampires are vulnerable to sunlight it can kill them. There are disciplines that allow a vampire to walk in the sun for a limited amount of time. There are other crafty methods available, these methods must be logical and must be explained, for example sunscreen or cloaks. No magic stones or spells. There are no born vampires. I believe that the embrace must have been so horrible or traumatic that they repress it and have made themselves believe that they were born as they are now. The fundamental problem with the born vampire is as follows... Vampires are dead. If a vampire carries a child to term it will be under special very circumstances but the child if it survives would not necessarily carry vampirism as a trait since vampirism is not genetic, it is a condition more akin to disease or enchantment. Vampires do not grow or age like mortals. An infant with the curse of vampirism would remain an infant always To kill a vampire, you must stake them through the heart with a wooden stake, and cut their heads off. Garlic, crosses and holy water do not affect all vampires. They may or may not affect a vampire due to their bloodlines and or beliefs. On the same note, Silver is a weakness for some vampires, but not all. Day walker vampires, most commonly, vampires who can withstand the light of the sun can do so only because the blood runs very weak in them. Very late generation vampires exhibit this trait. Day walkers often have poor healing abilities and do not carry the ability to make new vampires. Also, Dhampir are called daywalkers See below for a description. Half vampires. There are no half vampires/demons, half vampires/angels and the like. If a mortal is embraced, they become a vampire. If a demon or any other super natural race is embraced, for example a demon, then that demon becomes a demon with vampiric tendencies. Vampires are mystically/socially compelled to obey their sire. This is not to say that a vampire cannot overcome this compulsion. Vampires are immune to mortal disease and sickness. Vampires cannot heal their own throat wounds. They can however burn blood to heal other wounds. A vampire’s skin is unnaturally pale and cold to the touch Fangs are retractable, but some may never choose to retract them. Vampires can function normally during the day, provided they avoid the sun Vampires only become intoxicated and can only be poisoned during feeding upon a mortal who is intoxicated or has some sort of poison in his or her system. Drugs and Alcohol have no effect on vampires. Vampires, who drink, drink for the taste of the alcohol. Vampires who smoke cigarettes usually smoke for the taste. If a vampire is drinks from a mortal who has food poisoning, the vampire will be poisoned and will not be able to feed until the poison runs it’s cycle and is gone. [u]Dhampir (Approval Needed) [/u] Dhampir are the mortal children of a male vampire and a female mortal. A vampire, using various means, can become human temporarily, making this possible. Dhampir are as mortal as any human, but possess several special abilities. They can develop physical disciplines much the same way ghouls can, plus they can develop their father's 3 clan disciplines, but no others. The blood of a Dhampir is more potent than that of humans and it is less potent than that of a vampire. The blood has magical properties that act like energy enabling them to use physical disciplines. The energy regenerates at one blood point per day. If a dhampir uses too much energy he or she will be physically weakened, much like a mortal after a long hard workout. A Dhampir would be more powerful physically than a mortal, but less powerful than a true Cainite. A Dhampir is born with the discipline Potence on a very basic level which gives them inhuman strength, if their father’s clan disciplines include Potence, they would only have two more disciplines, they will also be able to develop Potence to the advanced level, and all other disciplines can only be developed to the Intermediate level. Dhampir are not affected by sunlight and fire, Vampires call them daywalkers because of their ability to resist sunlight. Dhampir are hated by most Kindred and will be killed if they are discovered, save for a few rare kindred. The Camarilla view these creatures as a blatant violation of the masquerade in and of themselves. Sabbat may turn a Dhampir if their pack needs to grow. Dhampir do have a beast, but it acts more like uncontrollable rage, akin to being too angry to think straight. Although Dhampir do not have to drink blood, they have been known to do so. A Dhampir who tastes the blood of a mortal or a vampire will have a thirst or a hunger for blood that is much like an addiction to a drug like heroin. Mortal blood will not regenerate a Dhampir’s blood energy, however the blood of a Cainite will. Dhampir cannot ghoul, nor can they make Childer, they can however have sex and re-produce. The offspring of a Dhampir will be 75% mortal and their powers will be far weaker. Dhampir age, but they age at a slower rate than mortals. They have a life span anywhere between a hundred and two hundred years. [u]Clan Rituals[/u] [u]The Embrace: The making of a new fledgling vampire. [/u] The young one is held lovingly or cruelly in the arms of the sire and drained to the point of death. The soul of the fledgling must be bound and anchored by the siring vampire or the fledgling will simply die. Sire then feeds the apparently dead childe the vampiric blood, which flows through his or her veins. The Blood Bond is then formed from the touching of the two souls, which forms a network through the clan. There are two parts to the Embrace: The Feasting and Feeding of the Childe [u]Communion: The shared feeding. (3 variations) [/u] Not so much a source of nutrition for either participant, the communion is an act of extreme affection or solace. It consists of two vampires drinking one from another at the same time. The bond is greatly enhanced by this activity for the time that the two are in contact [u]The Perfect Circle [/u] The pair draws from low on the nape of each others necks in unison and the vitae is forms a unbroken circle [u] The Extended Circle[/u] Each from the wrist of the other causing the vitae to flow in a long graceful arc. [u]The Blended Kiss[/u] Beginning as an ordinary kiss, the lower lip or tongue of each is pierced by their partner causing the mixing of vitae in the mouth. The bond is not enhanced as intensely with variation, but the sensual quality of the blood sharing is accentuated. [u] Ritual Embrace: A declaration of alliance... [/u] For those who fear the embrace but would back a clan or vampire for political or personal reasons, this ceremony is a mimic of the embrace. The blood of the one declaring their loyalty is sipped lightly by the prince or 'sire'. In place of the feeding of the childe, the supplicant is fed a sweet red wine, which contains a single drop of the clan blood [u]Ghouling: To taint the living[/u] One sip to addict, two for control and the third for destruction of free will. Feeding of vampire blood to a living creature such as a mortal creates a slave like creature. Ghouling often drives the mortal mad. If a mortal is feed to often or too much they will die from the vampire blood [u]Vampire Disciplines and Powers: Disciplines [/u] This might be a different system than you are used to each discipline has three levels. Basic, Intermediate and Advanced, basic is represented as (B), intermediate as (I) and Advanced as (A) on player profiles. New players and new vampires in RP will start out at the basic level unless they have permission from the owner. On a similar note, any vampire character older than 10th generation must have permission from the owner. Please note that it does take time to develop and learn disciplines. This must be done in RP over a period of reasonable time. Vampires may learn additional disciplines in several ways, please consult a VTM advisor about ways to acquire new disciplines. Animalism: Communicate with animals. Basic: Feral whispers Communicate with an animal (it may wish not to obey), but it ensures a favorable disposition toward you and may be forced into submission. Eye contact is required, if this is successful the animal will follow your commands for approximately 24 hours. Beckoning By making animal noises, you may summon animals to you. Depending on the call you can summon specific kinds or numbers of an animal group. (They may take some time to arrive). They hurry to aid or to provide nourishment the animals called are not automatically under control, although they are favorably inclined toward you. Only the animals that can hear the call will respond. They will remain until they feel threatened and or until the scene ends. You can of course use feral whispers to control the animals(s) called. Intermediate: Quell the Beast By touching or making eye contact you can project your beast to cow animals and humans into submission. Once you have intimidated or soothed the subject, you will not be able to use this discipline the rest of the night, as it is much more difficult to quell the beast, it requires the use of the vampire’s will power. This can also be used to quell the frenzy, but cannot be used on you. Subsume the Spirit Eye Contact with an animal is required, this will not work on eyeless creatures. Your spirit possesses the animal’s body and your corpse falls into a comatose state. There are five levels of possession, each level increases the amount of blood needed to burn. Also, more complete the possession allows you to use some of your disciplines while in the body. L1 Simple possession, can direct the body as you choose L2 Use Auspex L3 Presence and Animalism L4 Dementation and Domination L5 Chimerstry, Necromancy and Thaumaturgy Your physical disciplines do not augment the creature, nor do you have the ability to speak. You can use the animal’s natural abilities. Once you have possessed the animal, you may move about freely, even in sunlight. You are not aware of what goes on around your corpse. If your animal is injured, your corpse suffers equal injury. If the animal is killed you are returned to your body, which will be in torpor. You may leave the animal at will. If injured while returning to your body you may remain in the grip of animalistic behavior for anywhere from one to twelve hours or if more serious, you will go into an immediate frenzy. If your body is killed before your return, you may stay in the animal for no more than a few days. If the vampire can find a new body to inhabit they will survive. To take possession of a new mortal body, the vampire will have use his or her disciplines to take control and possesses the new body. Once inside, the vampire must seek out another vampire (a fellow clan member, pack member, a friend) to kill that mortal body and embrace them. The embrace will be the same as embracing any mortal, but the mortal’s soul is allowed to leave the body and is not bonded. Instead, the vampire’s soul who is entering the new body is bonded. Upon waking, the vampire will in essence be a new vampire. They must re-learn their disciplines and must work to restore their former power. Advanced: Drawing out the Beast Put your beast in another inflicting your frenzy upon them. You must be on the verge of frenzy to use this power. You must make eye contact and be within line of site. The recipient immediately enters frenzy and even manifests some of your personality/manner-isms (which may be detected with an Investigation Ability). The victim frenzies, while you are unaffected /unable to frenzy. Should the victim die while frenzied, the Beast immediately returns to you, requiring you to exercise this power again. If you lose the second attempt, you frenzy immediately. While the Beast is in a victim, you remain placid, but if the victim leaves your sight before it is over, you lose your beast immediately suffering as if you were subjected to Quell the Beast. You must find the recipient of your beast and convince it to return by acting in monstrous fashion or by killing the recipient causing the beast to return automatically. Auspex: Heightened senses, Ability to read auras with older and more experienced vampires. Auspex can be used to supernatural deception i.e., Chimerstry and Obfuscate. Basic: Heightened Senses You can sharpen any or all of your senses as desired, sometimes have flashes of insight, pre-natural awareness of danger or future events. Should your senses be overwhelmed you are stunned for a few minutes causing you to lose the benefits of this discipline on this attempt. Burn blood to keep your wits about you. Aura Perception Look at the aura of a subject, the colors of his or her aura give you an insight to the subject’s emotions, motives and true nature. This discipline is noticeable as you stare at the subject with intense concentration. This discipline requires line of sight and if successful you may ask them questions and the subject will answer truthfully. It also allows you to sense the presence of ghosts and astral forms. If you sense the presence of the disembodied, use will power to sense it’s aura, you see the aura as a pale amorphous light, insufficient to identify an individual. Aura Colors Afraid Orange Aggressive Purple Angry Red Bitter Brown Calm Light Blue Compassionate Pink Conservative Lavender Depressed Grey Desirous or Lustful Deep Red Distrustful Light Green Envious Dark Green Excited Violet Generous Rose Happy Vermilion Hateful Black Idealistic Yellow Innocent White Lovestruck Blue Obsessed Green Sad Silver Spiritual Gold Suspicious Dark Blue Confused Striped, shifting colors Diablerist Black veins in aura Daydreaming Sharp flickering colors Frenzied Rapidly rippling colors Psychotic Hypnotic, swirling colors Vampire Appropriate color is pale Magic Use Myriad sparkles in aura Werebeast Bright, vibrant aura Ghost Weak, intermittent aura Faerie Weak, intermittent aura Intermediate: The Spirits Touch Note that you may only use this power on objects or places, not on people, vampires, animals or other living creatures. By touching an item, and concentrating intensely you gain a brief flash of insight into any powerfully emotional events surrounding the object in question. Each use of this power on an object allows you to ask a question mentally for a truthful answer to one of the following questions: Who last touched this object before me? Was this object used in any emotionally stressful events, like a murder, a passionate romance or a maniacal rage? What strong emotions drove a particular subject holding this object? Answers come in images and impressions, not exact names or list of information, but in distorted pictures, flashes of sudden passion and sounds/voices, very much up to interpretation. Spirit’s Touching objects charged with powerful emotions may cause you to be temporarily overcome by them and you may suffer from a derangement for up to a half an hour. Telepathy Requires a few minutes of concentration and the will power of the intended may relent, although unaware of the attempt. Communication with Telepathy proceeds in impulses, images and feelings, and is not dependent on language. Those unused to the sudden onslaught of Telepathy may be stunned or disoriented briefly (Player’s discretion). If successful you and the subject link and may issue a stream of thoughts to each other as long as contact is maintained. At any time if a target realizes they have been invaded he may make use their willpower to force you to break off. –OR– It may be used to Scan or “eavesdrop” which works only on surface thoughts. If you force your way into someone’s mind without permission, the target may use willpower to force you to break off. You may only use your Telepathy on one subject at a time, but this limit does not preclude someone else from using her own Telepathy on you. Using Telepathy on a supernatural only functions on beings with conscious thought. The Discipline has no effect on creatures that are not self-aware or on normal animals. Scanning some one telepathically is invisible and largely undetectable, unless another character with Telepathy tries to ‘listen in” on the link, hearing the other mind or if the target also has Telepathy they know they are invaded. –OR– you can pluck a thought from the victim without their knowing, asking an truthful answer to single question mentally per question. Secrets uncovered are those discerned by Aura Perception, as well as: What is the appearance of a person/place/item about which you are peaking? What is the name of a person/place/item about which you are speaking? What have you omitted from your answer to a question? What is the true answer to a question that you have lied about? What do remember about one topic (questioners choice) of current conversation? –AND– to Probe Deeper after a link is opened into an open mind mentally you can draw out hidden secrets/buried memories, getting answers to What is one of your Flaws or Negatives Traits (subject’s choice)? What is one of your derangements (subject’s choice)? Each question asked requires a mental target’s mind which reacts automatically to defend against intrusion and the target is now aware of your presence in their mind as those thoughts pull to the forefront unbidden. –AND– discern clumsy uses of Dominate requiring (Player discretion) a link and begin asking questions, as with Probing Deeper. A second mental probe may then allow you to spot gaps in a memory or where a memory has been poorly reconstructed like gaps to watching a badly spliced film. As with Probe Deeper, the target is now aware of invasion. Advanced: Psychic Projection Project your senses/awareness outside of your own body, your consciousness roaming, allowing you to spy on areas all over the world as an incorporeal spirit, easily passing through physical barriers and moving at the speed of thought to any place on Earth, under the orbit of the moon. While projecting, your body lies in a comatose state. Your psychic form does not tire nor is it hindered/injured by the material world, being invisible and intangible, unable to affect anything physically. However, your spirit-form senses its surroundings normally, and you can use other Auspex powers. Your immaterial form is tied to your corpse through a silver cord that keeps you from becoming lost in the spirit realms. Projecting requires willpower. You may remain out of body as long as you like, though the rise of the sun over your physical form may force you into slumber. Furthermore, by using willpower you can manifest for a single turn as an intangible apparition, allowing you to be seen and to speak audibly at which point you can use any of your Disciplines simply by concentration before making the appropriate additional expenditures/ challenges. The visible for is an idealized form of you. While in projecting, you may not possess other bodies, even if you have that Dominate level. You may deal normally with other astral forms that you encounter, conversing and using Disciplines. You may attempt to injure other astral travelers by attacking their silver cord. Such astral combat uses mental concentration, causing the losing combatant to lose willpower. Once an astral combatant runs out of willpower, his silver cord snaps, stranding him in the spirit realms until he finds his way to return to his body. You cannot directly interact with or see Wraiths, Umbrial spirits or Garou, unless you find a means to travel to or sense the other spirit worlds. Similarly, your astral form is invisible and intangible to them unless you manifest physically. Celerity: Enables vampire to move with great and blinding speed during times of stress. If attacked by surprise, you may not use celerity to avoid that attack. You will only be able to use celerity on the next attack. If you know an attack is coming you may use celerity. Celerity can only be used for physical feats except during Alacrity. At Swiftness, the masquerade is breached. Basic: Alacrity Even as you watch others act, you can spring into action completing your movements before they can. If you burn more blood at this point you gain the ability to pre-empt any physical actions taken against you in that turn, as long as you are aware of them. (a mugging, yes. A sniper attack, no) If you attempt to pre-empt someone using Celerity or a similar speed enhancing power, the character with the highest degree of Celerity acts first. Swiftness Gain one additional action in your turn, in addition to your Alacrity. The additional action occurs at the end of the turn. Swiftness breaches the masquerade Intermediate: Rapidity The speed of your passing whips clothes and debris about. Invoking all of your Celerity burns a lot of blood this is called the bomb. When performing an action where speed and agility is of the essence such as dodging an attack, throwing a knife or grabbing something out of someone’s hand you can burn blood for rapidity. When the bomb is invoked, it is usable in the entire turn. You may use Rapidity in any challenge where you rely on your own speed, even if your opponent uses Strength or Stamina. Legerity Activate your Legerity and all other Celerity levels at the cost of burning more blood. Your Legerity grants you one additional action at the end of the turn in addition to swiftness. Advanced: Fleetness Your passing extinguishes small flames and whips up flurries of debris. Using this level of this discipline makes you slightly faster than your opponent through out the encounter; wounds and injuries may make use of this level impossible. Your Fleetness functions in all challenges where you rely on your speed, even against strength and stamina. You can use the speed of fleetness to challenge someone who is using the strength of Puissance. Chimerstry: Power of illusion Chimerstry illusions vanish only if dispelled by the creator, or if the illusionist ceases concentrating on her creations or if they are banished by a disbelieving opponent. Chimerical illusions can only create, not remove elements to a scene. Basic: Ignis Fatuus Generate a brief, static (unmoving but can be moved) illusion that affects a single sense that has no real substance, but it can confound or mislead and win each subject. The illusion lasts until you leave the area or until someone manages to disbelieve the illusion or until you dispel the illusion at your desire; doing so is immediate and requires no action. Fata Morgana Your realistic static illusions appeal to all of the senses though they cannot affect others physically., you can generate static constructs that seem real to any senses that you choose to affect. Illusions are still incapable of independent movement. Intermediate: Apparition Create mobile illusions that appeals to many senses and has its own capabilities. You must first create an illusion using one of the lesser powers of this Discipline. Then, you can give it a semblance of life by burning blood to give animation to an illusion. Once so imbued, you cause the phantasm to move in one specific pattern that you desire. If you spend a complete turn in concentration, you can change this pattern at no extra cost. You must be present for your illusion to sustain itself. Permanency You no longer need to be present to sustain your illusions. Any illusion that you make with Chimerstry can be imbued with Permanency, allowing it to persist even if you leave the area. Once you have created an illusion, burning more blood grants Permanency. The phantasm remains until you dissolve it or until someone sees through the illusion in some fashion. Advanced: Horrid Reality Your terrifying powers of deception extend directly into the mind of your victim. By focusing on one individual, you can create terrifying illusions that can affect the senses and move about in any fashion that you desire, but they affect only one victim. Because of the absolute realism of these phantasms, they can actually convince the victim that he has been injured or affected physically which allows you to defeat your victim. The illusion lasts for the entire scene but effects or wounds inflicted with it score damage that lasts until disbelieved. You control the nature of your reality. Illusionary wounds of this sort cannot kill, though they can certainly drive the victim into a comatose state. These wounds only disappear when the victim is convinced of the illusionary nature of it or when he is convinced that he is healed. Daimonion Sense other’s greatest weakness, paralyze subjects with fear. Use of black flames as an attack, create a personal psychological hell and force it on a target, curse someone. Basic: Sense the Sin Sense the subject's greatest weakness Fear of the Void Below Use Sense the Sin then, paralyze the target with fear for a scene. Intermediate: Conflagration Create black flame that moves out from the hands the flames do aggrivated damage. Burn more blood to maintain flame and shoot the flame at target. Psychomachia Use Sense the Sin then Summon a demon from the victims's own personal psychological hell. The nature of this demon is up to player which is the target and all injuries sustained are illusionary and disappear if the apparition is defeated or if the caster loses his or her concentration. If the victim is "defeated" he or she goes into torpor or a coma, as appropriate. Advanced: Condemnation Vampire may curse target for varying amounts of time and severity, and must split successes between severity of the curse and duration. The curses may be one of the following "No voice shall be lent your lying tongue", "Sicken and wither, infidel, a babe's weakness upon you.", "May your closest friends turn foe."Barren be thy seed and the loins of all your line."; "The mark of doom-all you love or touch must fail." The curse can be broken if the vampire chooses to released the cursed or vampire dies at the hands of the cursed. Dementation: Enables vampire to heighten the target’s emotions to an uncontrollable state. Can cause sounds and visions to distract a target. Older and more experienced vampires can cause targets to have hallucinations.. Users of this Discipline need not be insane. Basic: Passion Submissive or Impatient - Bring emotion to a fever pitch or fears that may occupy the mind of your subject to the surface, or diminish passions, quelling the most fierce emotional fires, enhance or dull the subject’s emotions, at your choice. If you heighten the target’s sensitivity he gains an impatient trait. If you dim the subject’s emotions, he gains a submissive for an hour. Successive uses are possible. The caster is not immediately obvious unless someone has familiarity with the Discipline. The Haunting The surreal world of your target seems to come alive in barely heard noises and brief glimpses of motion. Victims are distracted by inexplicable sensations, often stemming from their own hidden fears and guilt. You have no control over these images, but can choose what sense is affected. With continuous prolonged exposure, your subject may fall to madness as these apparitions afflict his consciousness for the remainder of the evening, suffering from Schizophrenia. Use of this power is not immediately evident. Intermediate: Eyes of Chaos By watching the target for a few minutes and concentrating on his actions and motions, use this discipline to learn a subject’s nature. If you spend a few minutes in contemplation of circumstances you can predict (to some degree) the possible course of events. For the scene/hour, you cannot be surprised. Losing a challenge in Eyes of Chaos causes you to become entranced with the patterns around you, similar to the Toreador Clan Disadvantage. Voice of Madness You address your targets in a reasonable tone, encouraging them to succumb to their inner demons. Those terrors then come to the forefront of their mind driving your victims to blind, uncontrolled panic, or by speaking to your victims for a few minutes, you can attempt to drive them into frenzy. You may affect multiple people at once, as long as they can all hear you. Any who succumb to you are brought to the verge of frenzy. Mortals immediately flee in terror, as if affected by Rotschreck. Vampires, Lupines and other creatures capable of frenzy must use Self-Control/ Instinct Traits immediately, with a difficulty or else Rage Frenzy. Or if you intend to terrorize, test for Rotschreck. Mortals do not remember their actions during this period. Advanced: Total Insanity Pulling insanity from the recesses of your target’s deepest memories and beliefs, you cause the victim to succumb to a wash of overpowering lunacy. You must gain your target’s total attention for at least a few minutes. If you win, your victim begins to suffer from five enragements, chosen by the player using the discipline for the remainder of the evening. This Discipline is not cumulative. Dominate: The power of suggestion, a vampire can attempt to make target follow a one word command. Must use eye contact. Most Dominate powers require eye contact and the victim to hear commands. As long as the subject can see the dominator’s eyes, he can be affected. Commands may be issued through Telepathy, as long as the victim has eye contact. A subject may attempt to block the attempt, success depends upon the will power of the subject. A vampire of lower generation is always immune to a weaker vampire’s powers. Basic: Basic Command Give a simple command to a single individual and demand obedience meeting your victim’s gaze. You must meet the gaze of your subject and speak a single word (even embedded in a sentence) for control. This command must be simple and easily understood and cannot be blatantly self-destructive. By succeeding your victim must follow the order directly and immediately. Last 10 minutes. Mesmerism You can impart commands to your subjects, even keying them in on specific trigger events. If you can meet your subject’s gaze and speak aloud your commands, you can force the subject to obey your will and even take commands that they must carry out later, you can also impart more complex or subconscious commands as long as it is not self-destructive. This command can either be triggered immediately or implanted with a particular trigger event. Only one such command may be implanted in a victim at a time. The victim may well remember the process unless made to forget. Intermediate: Forgetful Mind You can draw out answers to questions and even alter the subject’s memory. Erase entire blocks of the victim’s past, or replace recollections. To uncover, alter or erase memories, you must burn blood points for mental power against your victim to change up to 15 minutes of your victim’s memories; additional blocks of time may be altered with additional challenges. You can leave a victim with a “hole” in his recollections, or you can specify new memories to overwrite your victim’s experiences. As long as you gaze into the victim’s eyes, and do not threaten him, he is unable to move/resist your hypnotism. Implanting additional commands with other Dominate powers still requires additional challenges. You may remove all memory of a subject learning a particular Ability or Discipline, but the victim will still retain the capability in question, unable to recall how and when he learned it. Use of forgetful Mind can also determine if a particular set of memories is fake, by causing the subject to recall his overwritten experiences, you can uncover falsely implanted memories and restore the originals. You cannot use this power on yourself. Conditioning Strip away mental defenses, even removing your victim’s personality and free will. You must have unrestricted access to your subject for several full nights. Her will is shattered and her mind becomes completely compliant to your whims. Each night that you attempt to exercise Conditioning, you must burn blood points for willpower over your victim. You tear down the victim’s mind and turn her into a virtual slave, losing creativity and self-direction, instead following your orders to the letter automatically. No eye contact is needed to Dominate such a victim and, the subject gains will not be vulnerable to the Dominate powers of any other. A victim of Conditioning has little free will or motivation, and he has trouble reacting to stimuli. If an enslaved subject manages to avoid all contact with her master for several full nights, then the Conditioning is shaken off and the subject reasserts her individuality. A drone may also be deprogrammed by the successful use of this Discipline again, just as if trying to enslave the subject; the subject resists automatically. Advanced: Possession No mortal mind can resist. With but a touch, you can move your consciousness into a mortal body, taking complete control of the shell and suppressing the victim’s mind, unconscious and unaware of what transpires. Your own body lies comatose for the duration. Once you have touched a likely mortal subject you may to exercise Possession. You must burn blood to finish the possession; additional Traits allow you to use some of your Mental and Social Disciplines while in the host body by burning more blood points. (see chart below). During the course of Possession, you experience everything that happens to the mortal body, as you guide its actions, your Cainite form also suffers any damage sustained by the mortal body. If the mortal body dies before your consciousness can flee, you immediately collapse into torpor. If you wish to flee the mortal body for your own corpse, you must announce your intent at the beginning of the possession, and your spirit does not leave until the end of the possession (although you may still perform actions as normal). You have all the capabilities of the living body; you can even survive daylight, if you manage to stay awake. If your vampiric body is slain while your consciousness resides in another body, you can try to hang onto the form. If the mortal body dies you lose your spirit and it will tumble into the astral plane, lost forever. A possessed body also cannot be embraced; your spirit prevents the transfer of the Curse. There is a chance that your soul can be saved, if you happen to know a necromancer. You leave the body at the suggestion of the necromancer, once your soul is out of the body it was possessing, the mortal will be embraced, his or her soul is allowed to leave and yours is bonded in it’s place and directed back into the body. If successful, you will retain all of your abilities, they will not be apparent at first, as it will take time to re-learn. L1 Simple possession L2 Use Auspex L3 Dominate and Presence L4 Chimerstry, Dementation and Animalism L5 Necromancy and Thaumaturgy Fortitude: Short period of increased strength and stamina. Basic: Endurance While most Kindred still suffer the fatigue and pain of their injuries, you shrug off such hardships. Even the searing injuries of fire and sunlight can barely slow you. You do not suffer any wounds from anything past the Bruised health level until you are struck into Torpor or Final Death. When most vampires would be wounded, or remain insensible and incapacitated, you simply suffer the usual penalties of being Bruised. Mettle Wounds that would slow other vampires mean nothing to you. You can shrug off damage from most sources, ignoring pain and damage alike. Your body resists harm with incredible strength. Intermediate: Resilience(stamina related) - When you suffer any damage, you may immediately burn blood allowing you to reduce injury. Resilience is reflexive; it does not count as an action. Use only once on any given attack. Resistance You shrug off injury with-out noticeable effect. When you suffer damage, you may burn blood points to immediately to avoid some of the damage. If you succeed, you receive 1 less level of the damage. Use of Resistance is reflexive; it does not count as an action. You may use this Discipline after reducing aggravated damage with Resistance, attempting to negate or reduce the damage entirely. You may only attempt this Discipline once on any given source of damage. Advanced: Aegis You resist all damage and survive any attack. At any point during a turn, you may declare the use of Aegis. When you declare Aegis, you immediately revoke any damage that you suffered in the turn, and you take no damage for the remainder of the turn. Once a new turn begins, you cannot revoke any previous damage. Use of Aegis is reflexive; it does not count as an action. KineticismCaitiff only Basic: Dampening The vampire creates a dampening effect around his or her body that reduces damage from attacks. The vampire must burn blood to use this power. A vampire can also dodge attacks while using this power Redirection Change angle of a flying object, even send the object back to it’s caster Intermediate: Vengeful Strike Attacks have added damage, when using this power, Dampening will not reduce damage from attacks made against the caster. DischargeAdded damage to attacks through kinetic discharge. This power can be used for firearms, brawl, and melee attacks. Advanced: Kinetic Shield Create 6ft by 4fta barrier in front of you that absorbs all damage, using this power requires burning blood, burning more blood can increase the field three feet per blood point used. Melopominee Melopominee functions on the very soul, not merely on the flesh. Deaf subjects can still be affected as long as the singer's voice reaches to the area of the target. Engineered recordings, microphones, bullhorns, or electronic or mechanical copies cannot carry it’s power, only the natural voice. The Daughters of Cacophony do not teach its secrets to outsiders. Basic: The Missing Voice You can throw your voice to any place within your line of sight but, it doesn’t seem to emanate from there — rather causing your speech/song to generate from thin air. It functions independently of your normal voice. You may use The Missing Voice at any time, as desired. Phantom Speaker You can project speech or song to anyone you know. As long as it is night at the subject's location your target can hear it. The words/music are audible only to your target, unless an eavesdropper with at least Intermediate Auspex manages to listen in by defeating you in a Mental Challenge. You must expend one Blood point to project your voice for a single turn. Intermediate: Madrigal Your song carries the force of your own emotions. Your verses can inspire the heights of passion or black melancholy. Anyone who succumbs suffers the effects of an overwhelming surge of emotion, directed by your choice of song. The subject(s) are affected as long as you perform no action other than singing. Siren's Beckoning Drive a subject to turmoil, desperation and melancholy with your melodies. If successful, the subject suffers from the chosen derangement. This derangement lasts for the rest of the night. Advanced: Virtuosa You can extend your powers of Phantom Speaker or Siren's Beckoning as many subjects as you desire. Burn blood to use Phantom Speaker or Siren's Becoming on up to 5 targets at once. If you use Phantom Speaker, every subject hears the same words or music that you project. If you use Siren's Beckoning all of the victims at once are inflicted with the chosen derangement. You can only use one power at a time Mytherceria Basic: Folderol If successful, if the target has lied to you an obvious event will happen to notify you. Like bleeding eyes, a swollen tongue, etc. Fey Sigh- The caster can see fey /wraiths and speak to them for 5 mins Intermediate: Aura Absorption Psychometry for the identity and emotional/mental state of a target. This cannot find Obfuscated people’s impressions. This works like Spirit's Touch but it completely wipes the impression. Changeling Ward Cause helpless vertigo in those that cross the line that the caster delineates on the ground. Advanced: Stone Travel Burrow a 20’ long tunnel (will go in the chosen direction ) in dirt and natural stone. The caster falls into, and it closes on targets attempting to follow. This cannot be used on asphalt or cement. Obfuscate: Cloak of shadows, the shadows envelop the vampire letting them blend in to the shadows, they disappear from sight, they must remain still or take a chance of being seen Can move unseen in crowds, can disappear from view, not effective during attacks. Obfuscate clouds the awareness of its targets, they avoid notice of a concealed individual and to rationalize away such attention unless it is forced on them. Thus, if a vampire is concealed with this Discipline while wandering about a room, people avoid subconsciously. This concealment is generally broken if the hidden individual interacts with the environment, by picking up or dropping something, speaking to someone, touching a person or manipulating an object — the amount of conceivable activity varies with this Discipline's power, as shown in the individual levels. The concealment of Obfuscate functions against all of the senses, because it actually forces attention away from the hidden individual. Cross your arms in front of your chest to represent your use of Obfuscate, displaying a number of fingers on each hand corresponding to your highest level of power. Auspex can be used to pierce Obfuscate. Auspex (or a similar power of supernatural sensitivity) may penetrate it if he is already looking for hidden individuals. Obfuscate powers last as long as they are maintained, and they generally require no particular effort, concealing the user and everything worn or carried. The Stealth Ability is used for retests. Hidden individuals cannot use Willpower to defend against Auspex. Basic: Cloak of Shadows By remaining still and relying on natural cover, you can blur the apparent lines of your form and make it difficult for people to notice you. While nobody is watching, you can use cover to fade from view. As long as you remain completely silent and unmoving in a shadowed place or behind some sort of cove nobody but a Cainite using Auspex (or another creature with similar acuity) can spot you. This concealment vanishes immediately if you move, speak or interact with your environment in any fashion. Unseen Presence Your powers of concealment allow you to fade from view and then to wander about while remaining unnoticed. Any time that you are hidden from sight, you may invoke this Discipline. Once concealed, you may move about at a walk and remain unnoticed and remain so as long as you do not speak, make any loud noises or interact with your environment, you become visible if you exert the Presence Discipline. Intermediate: Mask of a Thousand Faces Cause others to see you as someone different from your actual physical appearance. Generally, this power causes people to ignore your features, making you unassuming and average. However, with concentration, you can assume a specific hallucinatory visage, or even copy the features of another individual. Most often, people will describe you in vague, general term's relating to your normal appearance, but without any specifics, unique features or details. You may assume a specific set of features instead, causing those who look on you and who do not pierce your disguise to see, hear and smell the form that you choose. This power does not change the appearance of anything that you wear or carry, only your physical features and remains until you fall asleep, are knocked unconscious or torpored, or are killed. If you hope to masquerade as someone with more social skills, you must burn blood points to match that person's total Social Traits. You cannot use this to gain more social traits than your generation would allow you to possess, making it difficult to duplicate an elder. . Vanish from the Mind's Eye Remain hidden even while speaking or moving about. You can even fade from plain sight, disappearing from the view of any onlookers. Gain all the benefits of Unseen Presence, but vanishing from view at any time, without having to seek cover. To do so, you declare your intent, and then make a use your mental powers against any onlookers (regardless of Auspex) who care to challenge it. Even if some people notice you, you can attempt to fade from their view again on consecutive turns. Fading away does not take an action, but it happens only at the end of a turn. If you speak, you must use your mental powers against everyone trying to detect your position, regardless of Auspex. Anyone losing to you fails to locate you, simply hearing a disembodied voice. Advanced: Cloak the Gathering Throw your disguising powers over several people, hiding them all from view or masking them with hallucinatory guises. Use mental traits for each subject cloaked. You can then exert any Obfuscate power that you possess over the targets, i.e., making them all look like different people or possibly causing them all to fade from view. When you exert this power, you must meet all of the normal conditions for the Obfuscate that you extend. You can only extend one power at a time. Individuals under the effects of Cloak the Gathering still sense one another normally. If an individual in Cloak breaks it in some way, then only he immediately becomes visible. Similarly, Auspex attempts to breach your concealment, do not compromise the protection for everyone, but unless the caster is noticed. Cloak the Gathering only throws your Obfuscate over other creatures or entities not all that they wear or carry. Obtenebration: Shadow play. Can manipulate surrounding shadows. This darkness is wholly unnatural, muting sound, absorbing light and sometimes seems to have a tangible substance. Any given vampire can see through his or her own Obtenebration darkness automatically without penalty, unless otherwise noted. Basic: Shadow Play Darkness can be made to deepen, retreat or move disturbingly. To affect this limited area of shadow, burn blood points to control these shadows for the duration of the scene/an hour. You can affect one individual with the flapping, disconcerting shades of this power. If you choose to conceal yourself, you gain an advantage in all challenges of stealth and ranged combat. By pulling shadows around you into a terrifying mantle, you may instead gain an advantage in all challenges of Intimidation. If afflicting a victim with flapping, twisting shadows, and the subject suffers from the Negative Trait, he or she will be clumsy, due to the distraction, and is disconcerted and asphyxiated by the darkness. A mortal enveloped in this fashion may even be strangled. Shroud of Night Evoke a cloud of inky blackness that absorbs all light and distorts sound. Burn blood points to create a sphere of blackness roughly 10’ in diameter within your line-of-sight within 50 feet of your location. Victims enveloped in this globe will be clumsy, and mortals may be strangled as noted above. This tenebrous cloud can move at a speed roughly equal to a walk, as long as you concentrate fully on such motion. Inside the blob, all light sources other than fire are extinguished and sound is muffled. All victims of the cloud, without some means of seeing, suffer the penalties of total darkness. Even those with Heightened Senses and Eyes of the Beast are affected. The Shroud of Night lasts for the entire scene/hour/or until you dispel the darkness. Intermediate Arms of the Abyss Summon forth shadow tentacle limbs that ensnare or attack as you desire. They animate as you direct, even while you take other actions. You can pull many tentacles from a single source, or generate shades from several locations at once. Burn blood points to create the shadow tentacles; every tentacle created are 6’ long and they possess. Each additional blood point burnt in the creation can increase it's length by 6’ more. Tentacles last for the scene, unless you dispel them or fall into unconsciousness/Torpor. The tentacles can perform tasks with precision and take damage normally from attacks, suffering from fire and sunlight just like a vampire. They have any Fortitude that you may possess or you can add your Potence to the might of the tentacles as well (one or the other). You may not combine Obtenebration with any other Disciplines. Black Metamorphosis Your head and limbs seem to fade into shadow, while bands of blackness striate your body and shadowy tentacles sprout from your torso . You must burn two blood points to evoke this power. You immediately sprout four tentacles just like those of the Arms of the Abyss, though they are considered extensions of yourself and they use your Traits. The tentacles unnatural cold afflicts anyone you touch with clumsyness, as their limbs are numbed with supernatural cold. The Black Metamorphosis lasts for one scene or one hour. Advanced Tenebrous Form Become the darkness within, collapsing into a pseudo-liquid humanoid shape of utter blackness. You can slither about through tiny holes and cracks, and you may see through any normal darkness. This requires 3 blood points and 3 turns in concentration, doing nothing else to transform. In this form, you cannot be physically attacked, but do take damage from magic, fire and sunlight. You cannot affect your surroundings physically. By enveloping a victim you can perform the same functions as the Shroud, causing disorientation, darkness and smothering. You are unaffected by gravity, and you can slither along any surface or move like a blob of ambulatory liquid. You can use Disciplines within the limitations of your form — you have no eyes and thus cannot use Dominate, but you could hide your shadowy form with Obfuscate. In this shadow form, your blood is inky darkness, and thus, they are unaffected by the powers of Thaumaturgy. Potence: Increased strength. Potence above the basic levels breaches the Masquerade. Potence uses any strength or physical related trait Basic: Prowess Your unarmed or clubbing attacks inflict lethal damage instead of bashing damage, if you so desire. Furthermore, you may recoup your lost strength, restoring all Brawny, Ferocious, Stalwart, Tough and Wiry. They are all restored at once. You may only do this once, as it burns a great deal of blood. Might You have a great burst of strength which lasts only a few seconds. You cannot use Might at range, with a thrown object (requiring speed and accuracy). Intermediate: Vigor You can heft hundreds of pounds with ease and crush bones. When you possess Vigor, you may use the Bomb in challenges of strength. IntensityDuring combat or physical encounters, you have bursts of intense strength and stamina. Advanced: Puissance You have incredible strength which lasts for several minutes at a time. Your strength increases tenfold, and will affect your use of melee weapons, your strength may break weapons which are not designed to withstand the increased strength. Presence: Invoke a feeling of friendliness in those you meet for the first time. You have the ability to affect other’s emotions. Unlike Dominate, which affects the rational mind directly, Presence affects emotions. Also, whereas Dominate requires that the victim, see the user's eyes, Presence usually requires only that the user's face be visible — some Presence powers do not even require that much exposure. Basic: Awe When you let your charisma shine, you draw attention naturally. People try to be close to you, and even those disinclined to listen to you give some consideration to anything you say or do, you can invoke feelings of friendliness. Dread Gaze By hissing, baring your fangs and allowing your vampiric features to rise to the fore, you can terrify mortals and even shake the resolve of other vampires, driving supernatural terror into the hearts of your victims. You strike terror into your victim. If you succeed, the subject flees your presence and tries to avoid you for the rest of the night. If cornered, the victim will still defend himself, doing his best to escape you. The subject defends himself normally. Using this Discipline actually requires you make your vampiric countenance known, so it is a rather obvious breach of the Masquerade. Intermediate: Entrancement When you bring your charm to bear on an individual, you are almost hypnotically magnetic. Individuals affected by your Presence find your manner irresistible. If you succeed, the target is favorably disposed toward you, and they will not insult or attack you for the rest of the scene/hour. A formerly neutral subject wants to aid you and act as your friend; even a previously hostile target is rendered neutral. If you take a hostile action against the subject, of course, the Entrancement is broken immediately and it may not be used against the subject again in the same scene. Summon Your victim need not see you, or even be seen by you—as long as the subject is known to you, you can Summon him to your side. Once called, the subject tries to get to you by whatever means possible, completely unaware of the supernatural nature of the desire and avoiding situations that would prevent fulfilling the compulsion (like locked rooms and overprotective allies). The compulsion lasts until the victim manages to arrive and make his presence known to you, if the subject does not appear, you can wait five minutes and then attempt to Summon, the victim again. You can only Summon someone that you know — at bare minimum, someone that you have had the chance to talk with for a few minutes, or someone who has been a target of your Presence powers before. If another individual then uses Summon on your subject, the victim heads to the summoner of the most powerful generation; if of the same generation, to the first one to exert the power. Should two vampires of equal generation simultaneously summon, the same victim, then the vampire closest to the victim wins. In the unusual case that Summon is used on a false identity (an identity created with Mask of a Thousand Faces, for instance), the Summon still brings the appropriate Individual. If multiple individuals use the same false identity, then the first Summon calls whichever is nearest and any further Summons then call the same individual. Thus, if three Malkavians using Mask of a Thousand Faces all pretend to be the same imaginary person, a Summon of that person brings whichever of the Malkavians is nearest and then calls that Malkavian for any future uses of Summon. Advanced: Majesty When you exert your Majesty, heads bow, hearts break and spines quiver. None would dare to challenge you or risk your ire, for your ambiance is without peer. As long as you are using Majesty, nobody may insult you or attack you as long as they are within 10 feet of you and able to see you. If you attack someone or undertake a hostile action while using your Majesty, the aura fades automatically and immediately, as your onlookers are startled or outraged. You may still use your Social and Mental Disciplines as long as they do not inflict direct harm - you may still Entrance or Dominate a subject, but a deliberate attack disrupts your Majesty. Protean: Vampire can alter their eyes to op

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