Is pathetic.
I've been considering the way of the knife again, but I really don't want to do that after everything that went down with Dalton, and I really don't want to break my 2 month record.
Things have been getting a... WEE bit crazy lately.
It's like someone in charge of the universe randomly decided to open the floodgates and shout, "Let the wild rumpus begin!" And all of the troubles[[translate= hormones]] in the world loose on me at the same time.
It's great to know exactly how powerless I am.
Thanks for the reality check, you a*****e!
You can keep your goddessdamn all powerfulness if it makes my life suck this much.
Let me run it myself.
Of course, if I screw everything over, I'll be suing you for malpractice in letting me choose to control it while I'm mentally unstable.
Just so you know.
Maer^ier · Fri Oct 06, 2006 @ 12:32am · 0 Comments |