Name:Elsama Love Noma
Race biggrin emon/Human
Bio:-- "I'm never gone to leave you behind my daughter..I will think of you always..even when I'm in hevan..or if I may go to hell...I will always watch you..I'm sorry I'm leaving you for now..good bye..my Darkness to hide and forge..."When Lone hears her voice dissappear she cried by her mothers side.--She is Lone's mother she died of a horrible acceident her love shot her before killing the whole family.

Name:Gimini Cold Darkness
Bio: --"My l-love..."He drops his gun and falls to his nees after he shot his love."W-hy...I'm sorry..."He grabs his gun and pulls the trigger to his head when his body hit the ground Lones life showed nothing to her but its true loniliness.--Lone's father who shot his love after she tried to kill everyone but soon after he shot her he killed himself.

Name: Rosla Love Darkness
Bio:--"My sister..where are they?"She said when Lone walked threw the door with blood on her clothes.--Rosla is Lone's sister who dissappeared after her mother and fathers death.

Name:Shena Deah Gemsen
Bio:--"So shall it be death or run either way your gonna die.."She pulls the trigger to her gun at a robber at a bank she takes the stolen money and dissappeared--Shes a angel mage that is never good.
LoneDarkNinja · Wed Oct 11, 2006 @ 01:56am · 0 Comments |