It's near my 1st Gaian Anniversary. So I thought that I should do an entry on that.
On December 21, 2005, a girl registered at Gaia. Gaia was much different back then, even though it changed soon after.
I heard that I registered a few days after the 2nd layout. I think this one is the third...
Anyway, I got addicted.
Reminds me of a Kelly Clarkson song.
Anyway, back to the point.
I started out as this:
My cousing donated the shirt to me.
I sold the shirt so I could get a trading pass.
My cousin bought me another shirt.
I bought the pants and shoes.
Months went by...
I soon got my first donation: A sno yeti plushie (I still have it! I barely take it off)
I made dream avatars:
This was my favorite back then.
I soon got rich! Not really rich, but richer than some people.
I finally bought my vending license and got even richer.
That was when I got more gold then I had gotten before!
Now I'm like this.
Sno yeti
Jolly hat
Sacred leaf
leg warmers
The items I've wanted since i started.
But there was more items I wanted.
the items over 100k, 1m, 200k...
I'm questing for those right now.
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