yes as you might be able to tell by the title of my journal entry my finger is purple and swollen, its like 2 times as big as it normally is gross eh? i was bringing down one of the basketball nets during gym on monday and some stupid idiot whipped a ball at my hand and slammed it against the wall and now its sprained, at least it didnt get broken that would suck... well schools been a ******** i have 3 english assignments due for tomorrow and a math assignment for thursday and its 10p.m. and im friggen tired. todays just been a bum day. i wish in could just skip but my parents would find out some how they just seem to be able to do that and if i miss more than 7 days of school i cant option out of my social studies final exam, actually its a pretty sweet deal, have less than 7 absences(2 lates = 1 absence) and kep an above 70 average and i dont have to take my final exam pretty sweet no? well i think it is, that means just one less exam to study for when i already have to perform a monologue for my drama final exam. oh that reminds me i have a project in drama to do tomorrow. at least we'll be in the weight room for gym instead of basketball. that way i can use the tredmills or step machine or bikes even i can use the cardiobascular excersize machines so i dont have to use my hands with my purple swollen finger. i think i'll wear gloves tomorrow so i dont have to keep staring at my ugly finger DDx oh well i'll come home after an annoying day at school and DDR to lift my spirits. anyway i better get on my homework. g'night.
XxThe-Taste-Of-SinxX · Wed Oct 25, 2006 @ 05:10am · 1 Comments |