Looking Without Seeing by: Ahiru
Not all scars show Not all wounds heal Sometimes you just can't see The pain someone is feeling.
Don't think a smile means happiness Because that's rarely ever true People smile Out of instinct, not feeling.
Some people smile before tears Some people laugh before murder Some people smile to try and forget Sometimes you just can't tell
I smile and you think I'm happy I frown and you think I'm sad Happiness and sadness Are they really emotions?
No, they're not. They're merely something we wish to believe Like God, and Heaven. True or not, it makes humans feel better.
Not all scars show Somethings are never forgotten They will always linger somewhere Deep inside your soul
Not all wounds heal Sometimes you can't stop the bleeding Sometimes you can't hold back tears Some things just never fade
Sometimes you just can't see What's right in front of your eyes Maybe you're looking But not really seeing
The pain someone is feeling May be kept secret Or swept under the rug Always concealed from the world...
xBroken Porcelainx · Fri Oct 27, 2006 @ 11:07pm · 5 Comments |