Exact defination:
Quote: Main Entry: Poodle Pronunciation: POO-Dee-l Function: noun Usage: often attributive Etymology: Austrila 1. a: idoit b. Dumb, stupid >that is very poodle of you< 2 a : A person who uses www.gaiaonline.com that like lion king and being litrate. b : Odd, werid >HI poodle, ididn't know you joined this guild!<
Poodle is a person that joined the FFA guild, but he soon left because he could not stand spammers. The two intellangent spammers were 000hinata000 and blondes4naruto. They wanted to discover more about this poodle.... and why he wore pink so much. BUt his look soon changed. Theses to awsome spammers countined their reaserch. WE have attached there studies.
Quote: 08/16/2006 12:31 am ~The Masked Donator~ LOL you perverted little Asian boy, you. PIXELS ARE NOT TURN-ONS. Especially cartoon ones.
we have conculded that Poodle might be asian. And from journal entrys we already know poodle is a pervert. Quote: and watching a horse buttsecks a woman.
Since right above Austrail is Japan, we think he might be from japan. It is highly possable. We also have a identifacation for this poodle.
Quote: My name is Chris, I’m 14 years old, and I live in New South Wales, Australia.
We also foundout poodle has a very kind heart:
Quote: The four of you are awesome, absolutely terrific people.
Quote: 10/20/2006 9:09 pm Poodle Crusader Hey, thanks for the comment. Gotta say, that was different. Sounds like you and Blondes were having fun. And it's nice to hear that the guild's going well. Keep up the good work. Oh, and perhaps you could tell Blondes that I haven't blocked her or disabled friend requests. Until next time.
And he's smart. Me and blondes for naruto were having fun. We also wrote a poem in poodle's honor!
There once was a guy name poodle Who brain was nothing more then a noodle SO much fun on his face that i want to doodle now were out of things that rymaye with poodle!
Poodle is a great writer of lion king, but also hates us spammers. JOin the FFA today to see the live poodle post!
SO that was deidcated to on eof our friends that we would like to give him for putting up with us for well awhile now! It's someone who we know we can annoying. He is litrate you know. That's all the time we have for today on our information on gaian friends! check in with us later for the next post!
-000hinata000 with help from blondes4naruto
000Hinata000 · Sat Nov 04, 2006 @ 01:17pm · 1 Comments |