Well, I guess not everything can stay happy in my life. I was on the phone talking to Laura for a while. Talking to her always seems to put me in a nice mood, but not long after we stopped talking, some family drama kicked in. I was dragged into a really bad argument, and this time, it had nothing to do with me. Lol, THIS time. But is was horrible. It went on for about 2 and a half hours! I can't believe people argue over the most idiotic things! Reminds me of kindergarten when arguing over what colors to color in your coloring book.
My family is so disfunctional, it's not even funny. Soon, I'll be transferring colleges, so before I do, I'm applying for a scholarship so I can go live in a dorm. I CANNOT stay here, and keep what remains of my sanity. If I don't cause something, someone starts something with me. And if I do "start" something, the arguement quickly turns into something completely irrelevant. It's crazy... Even as I type this, I can physically feel stress. My shoulders feel really tight, and my neck feel strange. I could sure use a massage... Too bad none are available to me.
Jaiden Stryker · Fri Jan 28, 2005 @ 09:44am · 3 Comments |