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i love all my friends, family, and love my baby
sad day
My life sucks I don't know why, but it dose. My brother is in Hawaii working on a curise ship and he says "it sucks". My mom is not talking to her family anymore. I'm alway in my room or on the computer never talk that much to my parents for I feel like I'm in their ways and I should not get to close to ppl I keep my distance away from ppl except my trusted friends, I hate ppl who think I'm dumb, over weight, and I'm a bad drawer yet all my friends say I'm good at it yeah right. Well you know what I don't give a s**t what you ppl think about me I'm happy that I got good friends I can count on and I'm happy that there are ppl who are alot like me. There are ppl who like me for the way I am. You may think I'm a loner, a emo kid. Who give a damn my life sucks buts it the way of life its a game where you learn how to surive in the outside world. So get off your cloud and face realality its not dream anymore theres a war in everyones hearts. So find your denstiny.

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