The following content may offend you.uhuh or something.
Over and over again,just the same thing.
Pissing me off.Ok so,you have a test,and then a month later,another test.
More tests.All in the same week,Same people at school,Same teachers.
Same time.Same drill.And hey,I know we are all sick of it.Nothing cools
happening with me life anymore D;.Its just living on nothing xP.Cause the
only time when Im happy is the weekends ;D But still.thats kinda the same
drill too.I sit on my butt all day.well actually I think thats the most genious thing
That I have learned to do all week..
Why do we even go to school o.O.
Cause,we go there to learn,they say I think,but we don't pay attention.
We all know that we all wan't out of this place,That goes for the dorks too :B.
The only new thing you learn is Math,and that's the class you dont pay attention
in A LOT of the times.So what's the point?Teachers suck D; Same teachers and
room.We don't do much exciting things,the only exciting thing is when your
teacher has lyk a seizure in the middle of the room or something.All they basically
do is say something that we dont listen to rolleyes .And yell at us for not listening.
Hey not my fault it ain't intresting ;D.And then before you know it your at lunch.
Same people you sit with,Same lunchroom you go to,same same same!And then
before you know it again,Your on the bus,or walkin home,or even in your parents car,hell maybe your own car but thats not the point,same people,same smell (ew.).Try noticing this,You complain about the same thing everyday,and
maybe You and Some people are just sick of it,Maybe we want to kill ourselves
alive from going to school D; Its just a 6 hour times waster.
I'm ugleh/fat/stewpid D:.
Look,I don't care if chure ugleh,alright?Nobody does,worry about
that in highschool or something,damnit,the only thing thats sickens me is people
thinking about true love in our stupid fecking school :B.I mean you can like
someone or something,but don't expect to get like.fecking married to them :B
Cause you wont.Your just really lucky if you do ;D!Just don't worry about it ;D
Your more than likely to change ;3.
Ok.well.your fat.So what?Lose some weight.Stop complaining if you wont get
off of your lazy a** and work for it.Alright?If you like yourself the way you are
then good.I love you.XD one less problem 3nodding .
Well..if your like mentally retarded I dont think I can do anything to help you o.O
Your with that.dont fecking be a wuss and cry about it
at night or whatever.Yur lucky your alive ;D.
Yur mean ;-;!
Do I look like I give a damn?Sorry thats been on my mind
since I ever came here,actually decided to write this out for you,why did you
read if there was a warning that you might be offended or something?Think
you came here for a good laugh? might have.and you mightve laughed.
But yeah,Im laughing as I write this xp because its just sad.Sad to see about
how people think of themselves or somebody else,cause thats gay a** man ;D!
Mmk,well,:3 I feel better now.random journal
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