A PM worth reading--
there is NO SUCH THING as a gaia tracker. It does NOT exist. so quit posting stupid pms like "OH-EM-GEEEEE this WORKS!!!" No, it doesnt.
To the people who have like 25,000 friends, are you serious? You're stupid. Go play in traffic.
Don't ever post pictures and say "OMG, I'm so ugly" "OMG,I'm so fat" because if you were, you wouldn't post them. And if you do your'e a funking mongoloid.
Nobody cares about threats over the internet. Don't try to act hardcore with the keyboard. Fighting online is like racing in the special olympics; even if you win, you're still retarded.
Making 20 journal/comments/pms a day about how you hate other people because you're not on their friends list. Who the ******** cares? ITS ******** GAIA!!!!
Who really gives a crap if I don't accept you as a friend? MOVE ON!!! Don't send me another request or a pm asking "what's up with you not adding me?" I don't want you as a friend; that's what's up!
Little 4th graders who have gaia and look like sluts, go somewhere else because nobody wants you here.
If you have decided to read this, you are a true Gaia Friend. Real friends read their Emails.
I say you go and pass this on and maybe it will finally get through people's brains
And if you open a Email and it says something like "repost this in 100 seconds or a ghost will rape your dog tonight," IT'S NOT REAL! QUIT BEING A ******** MORON!
This is a test to see how many people in your friends list actually pay attention to you.
repost this with "Finally an pm worth reading"
'Tis something that I picked up from someones profile, figured it'd be good to put it in my own. 3nodding
Donation letter thing-
Hello everyone~
This is my seventh monthly letter giveaway, and someone is gonna get an unopened March 2007!!
.. Or maybe it's my sixth... hmm... Forgot...
To win the letter... be the first to post on page five. That's it!
However! Every post you make MUST have the domo icon in it. If you get the first post on page five and have no domo, then no letter for you. I have had it happen before, let's hope it won't happen again this time. And don't tell others if they don't have it!! And please, put more in your post than the domo; be creative people. Seriously. Seba likes creativity. Seba does not like n00b speak.
I will be giving another letter away this time! This letter will go to one of the first seven people that draw me avi art. The one that I like best wins the letter! ))
And no, this is not a scam. Think about it; who would make a thread with an introduction this long if it weren't one? Oh, another thing. I won't be posting until page five. This is so I don't contribute to the amount of posts involved in getting to the page of awesomeness. All rights are reserved to myself.
Let it begin! *throws confetti*
-Oh, and humor me by clicking the picture in my sig (please!!)-
It's funny. I went to that "Gaian Astrology" thread, and apparently I'm a Donum.
You so Crazy.
Will you win?!
Probably not, but I'll try anyways!
lol liek giv me gold ima n00b lol
Click here if you're Seba!
Character profile-
Name: Seba X. Vader
Age: 19
Personality: Seba is normally quite and calm, unless she is motivated to be otherwise. She does have a tendency to have a very short patience and temper with certain subjects, and can be very scarey if rubed the wrong way. Once she gets used to someone she can be rather playful at times. And she can, and does, get hyper from time to time.
Bio/History: Her mother was human; her father a vampuric lord. Due to an accident occurring, her mother was killed and her father saved her. However, in the end it cost his life as well. Before he died, he bit her, making her more vampuric than she had been before. Taken into a theiving guild in the desert, this is where Seba recieved the level of training that she is at. With another accident, due to a demon, the guild was destroyed; Seba leaving and searching for something else to do. Finding Erby at a bar, the two formed an agreement and stole off into the night to find a boat, having to get through numerous guards in the meantime who were looking for Seba as she had stolen a rather valuable map. Seba mainly deals with hand-to-hand combat, using knives, daggers, throwing needles, and the like. She has also been known to improvise with what is around her in fights; the most famous case involving a shovel. It was very bloody. Due to a trip to a vampire colony on one of the two's many travels, Seba's wings came out; the frames being dark purple and the wingspan being a medium grey in color. When her wings aren't in use, they are simply not there, as they have folded into her back. Hence her using the term 'unfurling' for when she expands them so she can fly. Seba is usually seen wearing a trenchcoat, as it houses whatever weapons that she can't fit onto her person, her sunglasses and goggles, and serves as a protector from the sun. She usually wears a sleeveless black shirt, tan pants with squareish pockets near the knees, and black boots. Her hair is blondeish to pale gold in color, her eye color is controversial as it changes with her mood. A very strange pshyical feature that Seba has are the spikes, which look like enlongated qills, that come out of her back during intense fights. Starting just below where the wingspan connects with her body, there are a total of six; three on each side. They are the same color as the frames of her wings; dark purple. Unlike her wings however, which she has full control over their comming and going, the spikes are a little more dificult to control and are not seen too often. She is very protective of Erby, and actually has a blood bond with the pirate. This, however, isn't known to Erby, as she was sleeping at the time and woke up the next morning with an unfamiliar bandage on the back of her hand. The fully ability of the bond is thusfar unknown, but it does alert Seba as to when Erby's blood has been spilt in combat. Although she can fly on her own, she does have a plane, dubbed "Horus", after the Egyptian deity, for air battles in certain cases.
Hobbies: Following a pirate around, collecting shiney and crystally things, working, OCD cleaning and organization (only with certain things), making stuff, loafing around, ect.
Likes: Sand, naps, sleeping in, plants, lunar events, papyrus scrolls, Nova, new sharpening stones, friends, puzzles, wall repelling, blankets, food, buckles, high SPF sunscreen, training, ect.
Dislikes: Sand in her boots, most lycans, liers, slayers, people who she deems annoying or obnoxious, hangnails, Zelco, iodine (makes her pass out), fungus, not being able to do stuff, ect.
What Got her off the ground and into the air: Nova, Erby's dragon. On her own; getting her wings.
Favorite thing to do in her spare time: meditation, sharpening her weapons, ect.
Quotes/Most said line/quirk: "....", "I see what you did there", *nods*
Pet: None
Executioner Alerts
Green Alert 1: Accused is interrogated then set free.
Green Alert 2: Accused is interrogated by "Persuasion" then put into the brig for a period of time.
Yellow Alert 3: Accused is tortured for information.
Yellow Alert 4: Accused is tried. If found guilty, he is to be Executed by either Firing Squad, or Lethal Injection.
Red Alert 5: Accused is to be Executed, Hanged, Tarred, and Put in a Gibbet as an example.
Red Alert 6: If Accused is an officer, they are to be given the Yellow Alert 3 treatment, soon followed by the Red Alert 5 treatment.
You know you live in 2006 when...
1. You go to a party, sit down and take MySpace pics.
2. You haven't played solitaire with real cards in years.
3. The reason for not staying in touch with your friends is that they don't have AIM/LiveJournal/MySpace.
4. You'd rather look all over the house for the remote instead of just pushing the button on the TV.
6. Your evening activity is sitting at the computer.
7. You read this list, and keep nodding and smiling.
8. You think about how stupid you are for reading this.
9. You were too busy to notice number five.
10. You actually scrolled back up to check if there was a number five.
11. And now you're laughing at your stupidity.
12. Repost if you fell for it. You know you did.
Repost this in 2 min 14 sec or less, & tomorrow will be the best day of your life! But, if you wait too long, noone will give a crap, but your friends will miss out on a good joke.
For some time many of us have wondered just who is Jack Schitt.
We find ourselves at a loss when someone says, "You don't know Jack Schitt!" Well, thanks to modern genealogical science, you can now respond in an intellectual way.
Jack Schitt is the only son of Awe Schitt. Awe Schitt, the fertilizer
magnate, married O. Schitt, the owner of Needeep N. Schitt, Inc. They had one son, Jack.
In turn, Jack Schitt married Noe Schitt. The deeply religious couple produced six children: Holy Schitt, Giva Schitt, Fulla Schitt, Bull Schitt, and the twins Deap Schitt and Dip Schitt. Against her parents' objections, Deap Schitt married Dumb Schitt, a high school dropout.
After being married 15 years, Jack and Noe Schitt divorced. Noe Schitt married Ted Sherlock, and, because her kids were living with them, she wanted to keep her previous name. She was then known as Noe Schitt Sherlock.
Meanwhile, Dip Schitt married Loda Schitt, and they produced a son with a rather nervous disposition named Chicken Schitt.
Two of the other six children, Fulla Schitt and Giva Schitt, were
inseparable throughout childhood and subsequently married the Happens
brothers in a dual ceremony. The wedding announcement in the newspaper
announced the Schitt-Happens nuptials. The Schitt-Happens children were
Dawg, Byrd, and Hoarse.
Bull Schitt, the prodigal son, left home to tour the world. He recently
returned from Italy with his new Italian bride, Pisa Schitt.
Now when someone says, "You don't know Jack Schitt," you can correct them.
Crock O. Schitt
Internet fights are like the special olympics. Even if you win you're still a retard.