Well, Life once again... Sucks. Pretty much that's all. Let me share with you a small part of a conversation I had today with someone I like in a big way:[[Red=Me Blue=Him Black=What I was thinking]]
Deuxis (10:47:11 PM): I just told Hailey I loved her WHAT THE ********] dvus2017 (10:47:19 PM): oh lord... You're Shitting... Deuxis (10:47:30 PM): hellz yeah >__< FTW!?!?!?!? dvus2017 (10:47:37 PM): did you mean it? pleasesaynopleasesaynopleasesaynoohgoddessi'mcryinggoddessdamnit Deuxis (10:47:42 PM): yes oh goddess the flood gates are opening... dvus2017 (10:47:56 PM): then what's the problem? BESIDES THE FACT THAT YOU JUST ******** STABBED ME AND WON'T QUIT TWISTING THE DAMN KNIFE!!! Deuxis (10:48:07 PM): she lives a zillion away NO s**t SHERLOCK! dvus2017 (10:49:13 PM): well, if you love her, then you might be able to make things work Why the hell do I do this to myself? Seriously, Why? Deuxis (10:49:24 PM): might Am I wrong for hoping it doesn't? *bites lip*
Yeah. This is bullshit. Total Bullshit.
I'm out.
Maer^ier · Mon Jan 01, 2007 @ 05:37am · 0 Comments |