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Do not read a Fairy's journal!!! Especially Fuzzy's!

That's mean! This is private. Stay out.
Invisible Children
Dear Journal,

This, the thing I would give my life for.

To save children. Innocent children that are being

kidnapped and recruited into the Rebel army to overthrough

the African Government. At night, the Rebels come and steal

these children. Teaching them how to kill and slapping an assualt

rifle in their tiny hands. 12-16 are the ages of kids they look for

when they kidnap them. Asside from this, they rape them.

If you run, the rebels will hunt you down and kill you in the most

brutal way. The kids that actually want to school, that want to learn.

What do you say normally? "I hate school."? Really? We are fortunate.

These three young men went to Darfur to catch footage on genocide

but left after finding nothing. Then they went to Uganda, knowing

nothing about the night commutes. They then learned of the Rebels.

The villagers and their children that are being hunted by the Rebels

walk an hour or more each night to the nearest hospital or fenced in

area, so they may sleep in peace. Even then, people have woken up

to find a gun to their head held by a Rebel. Each morning, they pack up

and walk the same amount of time back to their villages. These men had no

idea what they were in for. They took the footage however, and broght

it back to America. It was then named. Invisible Children. The children in

Uganda that nobody sees or notices. The children that nobody sees.

They are invisible. When will you open your eyes and see these kids...yelling

out for your help. The link for the sight is below as well as the movie


If you decide to donate, Invisible Children is a non-corrupt cause.

Each cent you give will go to these kids. The government won't touch it.

Please, open your eyes. Look around. There's more to life

than your precious country.


User Comments: [3] [add]
Sakura Blossom101
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Jan 23, 2007 @ 09:40pm
wow.................i don't really know what to say about terrible, how could anyone do such a thing

commentCommented on: Tue Jan 23, 2007 @ 10:31pm
Everyday Africa goes through epidemics that we cannot fathom. Most other countries turn a cheek and ignore this. I have realized that America has views on trying to make the world a better place. Take all these wars for instance. The true meaning of all of them were to safeguard our freedom and to educate a better, more compatible way to express foreign relations.

The importance on Africa is incredible. For centuries that country has been used as a resource or an exploited income yet was denied any payback. It was a slave supply for our country in the early days. Aids/HIV started there. It came here. We had the financial prowess to thwart and have protection from the virus. Africa has not. They lack the leadership and unity. Old religions, vendettas and much more verses conflicting tribes with the result of kidnapping young boys to take up arms to fight for something they don't understand. That country has been a mess since day 1 and is in dire need of more attention! If you aren't in the position to help now, try to remember when your life is successful and that you can put a hand in something that is crucial to the survival of the human race. Rewards of peace, prosperity and personal gratification await you.

Community Member
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