Southern Domain...
The vermilion bird(Li) of the south lashed his wing with his sharp beak causing blood to flow into pure fire and created the Horse named Wu he then turned to the element of the east and created from burning wood the Snake named Ssu and finally went to the borders of the west whise he found molting lava and made the Ram named Wei. Each of these were his loyal subejects who he commanded to watch over his tribes. He told the Snake to watch his borders to the east. He sent the Ram to watch the mountainous borders to the west. They were also charged with guiding the next generations of Man within their regions.
Eastern Domain...
The green dragon(Chen) of the east coaled himself around the Heart of the Wood, which was a large tree, in the center of his home, whos roots extended far and wide, then took one mighty talon he cut under his great scales along his back. He mixed his blood with the Wood and from it came a Hare named Mao. He then took his blood to the border of the Northern Domain. Finding a piece of drift wood in water he springled blood upon them. From this a Tiger named Yin was born who became head of the North-East Region. Next the green dragon went to the Southern Domain and found wild fires. He took in one claw his blood and in the other wood then threw both into the fire creating a Dragon named Chen.
Western Domain...
The white tiger(Tui) brutishly scratched a gash into her breast and bleed upon the metal under her feet a Rooster named Yu rose up with great pride. With difficulty she had the Rooster remain at the designated place. She then wandered north to toss metal and blood into the water which created the Dog named Hsu. Once ordering this extremely loyal creature to stay she eagerly went south to see what else she can create. Melting metal and blood together she created an eagerly, mischievous Monkey named Shen.
Northern Domain...
The dark tortoise (K'an) disappeared into the sewers of her city and in the water below she created a Rat named Tzu. She then ordered him to go to the east and gather wood for her. Upon returning she had ready a cauldron of her blood which she dipped out onto the wood. A strong Ox named Ch'ou plowed forward and she ordered him to go to the eastern portion of their borders. Next she ordered the rat to go to the west for the most rare metal there. After a long time he returns with gold and silver. He explains that he was not sure which is the most rare but both were highly valued. She favored the glimmer of the gold and kept it for headress. The silver she used for its strength to make a Boar named Hai.
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Hatchlings of the Egg of Chaos
This is a story about the struggles of chaos turning into balance and maintaining that balance..