The blood rushed to my cheeks and I felt every word drift away. Then I looked at my friend, Austi for help. She gave a little laugh. She laughed that same way about this in side Sushi joke. Out of pure despration to say something, I used that. "Um.. Ben, Do you like Sushi?" The dumbest question ever.
Okay, My valentine's day was boring. It didn't fell like valentine's day till youth group. I got my first happy valentine's day from my mom. Then I ate some toat, I shaped it like a heart. The I waited till my sister and brother got home. They brought home left over cup cakes and cookies. I ate half of what they brought. ^_^ It was good. Then youth group came along.
I got the carnation I bought for This guy I like at youth group. Then the lollypops I got my friends. I got to youth group and I saw no body I knew. Just this girl that looked a bit younger then me. She was along and she saw my looking around. She said I could sit at her tabl eif I wanted. I did. Her name was megan and was pretty cool. She gave me her phone numerber. ^_^
Then kylla came and gave me, AUsti, and Jarah these rose that lit up. Then while the guy talked. I drew Ben a vanentine's card. Here's what it said:
Hey Ben, Have a good Valentine's day. It's the day filled with roses and Hearts. Hope you like the Carnation. Have a good one.
Love, Aleeia
Unfornaly Jarah saw me write it. She asked if she could read it. So sure, what the heck? Yeah, it got passed around the whole table. Everyone read it. Thank goodess ben wasn't at my table. Well Then we were going into the other room. Ben passed me. I stopped him and held out the white carnation. "Valentine's day happy" I said. Then I realized what I just said. "Happy valentine's day" I quickly repeated. I don't think any one heard the first part anyway. He took the rose said thanks and that he had something for me too in the other room. My cheeks were red by this time. I get to the other room and I'm talking to Kylla.
Kylla said the day before that she would coach me to talking to him. So we were talking about and Ben gave me the cutest teddy bear ever. Jarah said I should Name him Ben. So I did. Austi kept taking my teddy bear. Well anyway we were sittin gin our seats and Kylla was telling me to talk to Ben. I couldn't do. I got way to nervous.
I got out of it for a little while. Kylla went up to get a drink. I talked to the girl megan that gave me her phone number. Well I went up to check on kylla. Then I saw Ben sit down and where my group of friends were. I was like man, I should have stayed there. Well Kylla dragged me next to him. I said hi and my mind was at a lost for words. I looked and saw my friend Austi. She was laughing the same way she laughed at this inside sushi joke. So I asked ben if he liked Sushi. Pathinic thing to say and Austi brust out laughing. So did I. It was a funny inside joke. Well then Ben left again.
Well I was talking to kylla again. We were on the floor talking about how the only thing I could think of was sushi! Then Kylla goes, well here's your chance to say somthing better. I look at her odd. 'he's behind you' Kylla said. I turn around and Ben was leaning againest the wall behind me looking off somewhere. My face turned red and I looked back kylla who was laughing. I buried my face in the teddy bear. But later kylla dragged me up to him.
She goes, "Ben Aleeia wants to tell you somthing" I wave and go, "uhh.. can you say hi and three different langues?" Then Jarah drageed me to play volley ball with her. I wanted to wish him sucha better good bye then I did. Well that's the end of it.
000Hinata000 · Thu Feb 15, 2007 @ 01:42am · 1 Comments |