[Thank you big time, Lars!! heart ]
As was his normal routine, a shaded man stalked silently outside the campus gates and through its lot, towards his own home in an upperclass apartment suite. His coat hung loosely from his right shoulder, his hat sitting skewed on a head of waist-length, wavy brown hair. Under the hat's shadow, dim blue eyes watched the ground beneath his feet, studied each crack in the sidewalk he now walked on as if it were an endangered species.
He never left the underground too late, as to most people and quite a few officers, his walking down the street at such a time would be most suspicious. He passed a couple on the sidewalk, staying silent, face expressionless. A mother and her young child came next, and he smirked as the child waved and giggled at him. A group of teenagers, skaters as it seemed, scoffed at him as they passed. Then Jadea, her lone form being the first he'd seen so far.
His arm twitched. Her slight smile was curious as she studied the sky, and he in turn looked up at the near-blank night, the corners of his mouth turning upwards. Indeed, it was a good night to be out.
And also to hunt.
She might never see it coming.
There was an alley to his right, with a dumpster and a boarded-up liquor store its only occupants.
Reaching into his pocket, he plucked his wallet from its depths, flipping through it and quietly unzipping the change pocket and loosening a few cards. Pretending to put it back into his pocket, he 'dropped' it, cursed falsely, and knelt a few paces in front of her to gingerly pick up quite a copious amount of change, and six credit cards and an I.D. and driver's license, with falsified information, of course.
On the ID was printed, 'Lars Chaton, age 38, male...' his weight, height, and false birthday, and various other bits of information.
He looked up slowly, back and legs tensing, his smirk falling to a frown as she came closer.
Jadea stopped and looked at the man before kneeling herself to help him.
"Are you okay?" she asked him, her voice concerned while adjusting her purse so it wouldn't fall off before handing him some of his cards as she looked at him. Several strands of her hair fell over her shoulder while smiling at him kindly.
Taking the cards she handed him, he smiled a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes, and slide them back into his wallet as he picked up a pair of coins. He looked up at the woman, her eyes, her hair, and generally concerned person reminding him ever so much of her... of his wife... her eyes, they were nearly the same.
This was the time to act, but he hesitated, hating to take advantage of a kind and beautiful person. He looked up slightly, trying to take her whole image in, before realizing that they were under street lamp. he didn't have a shadow. "Actually, I'm..." he uttered, trying to hold her attention before he looked to his right, a split-second of horror flashing over his face. The front-window of the run-down liquor store held only her reflection. His was non existant. He hoped she didn't notice that, either. Of all things... he thought, a scowl lifting his lips just slightly, but enough to reveal the tiniest sliver of a pointed, white fang. "I'm...," rough fingers plucked loose change from the ground, as he toiled over what to do next.
Surely she would run if she knew, and he couldn't take that chance...
"I think I'm alright, miss. Just dropped my wallet. A few coins did happen to run down to the sewer, but it's no loss to me." He looked back up to her, scooping up the change and the rest of the cards.
Do it...
Dropping the change into his pocket slowly, he suddenly reached for her, lunging out and snapping his wrist up towards her face to hold her mouth, so atleast her screams wouldn't attract attention.
His strength was that of several men, unfortunately, and any attempts at escaping his hold would've been futile for Jadea. He firmly covered her mouth, muffling her protests as he caught her with his other arm, dragging her quickly into the dark alley.
His eyes had misted over, a bloodred tinge inking through his irises.
He backed her up to a dead end, a brick wall with a tall chain-link fence and gate at one end, locked. "You shouldn't walk alone at night." He muttered, his hand still over her mouth and a rigid arm pressed against her stomach, holding her against the wall. "It isn't safe."
He smirked maliciously, his fangs all too apparent, the dim light from a street lamp around the corner past the gate illuminating his face and maniacal eyes. His hair fell forward as he moved his face closer, eyes half-lidded as a low chuckle slipped past his lips.
The back of his mind was nagging him to stop.
Jadea expelled a muffled cry while hitting the wall and being pinned there before opening her eyes in fear before brimming with tears.
What is he going to do to me... I don't want to die yet.. she thought before closing them, a tear sliding from her left eye and ran down her cheek.
As he sought her neck, he watched the tear fall down her face, dropping onto his own cheek. He shook it off, seemingly stunned, and looked up at the girl to see the terror on her face.
She looked just like he did in that mirror... when he himself was bitten...
Don't do it.
He'd already gone this far... why give up now.
A growl lifted his chest, his lips contorting into a snarl as he gazed upon Jadea. He couldn't... he had hesitated much too long to continue this helpless slaughter. This girl... she confused him.
"Don't cry..." he started, then stopped as he realized that she had every reason in the world to do so. Loosening his grip on her stomach a touch, he lifted his hand from her mouth, though she was still pinned.
"I... just don't cry."
Jadea opened her eyes and looked at him before moving her arm to swipe at her eyes, tears still falling, her body slightly shaking from the fear she had after what happened or was about to happen.
"W-why would you do this.. What have I d-done to make you h-hurt people..," she said, trying to calm down, but choked slightly. "I'm s-sorry.."
What have you done? Why... you're normal. You are unafflicted. You don't have this... this disease.
He shook his head, brows furrowing as he put his hands on her shoulders, keeping her restrained.
"If you were as I am, you would have the same inclination, my dear."
He turned his face away from her, mentally cursing himself from letting it go this far. Now what would he do? He couldn't let her go, she'd run, alert the police, the factions... he'd be on the run again. It'd be his wedding night all over again.
The pitchforks, the torches, the mobs... he couldn't bear it a second time. He had barely escaped without a stake in his body.
The serum. He could take it, subdue his bloodlust for another two or three days, but then he'd have to feed, and what point was there in that? He'd still have Jadea to tend to...
Why was this always so problematic?
No... it wasn't always like this. Most times he was merciless and quick.
It was her... something about her baffled him.
"You have nothing to be sorry for... I am the one who's sorry."
If only he had a stake on him. Then at least he could have some salvation.
Jadea looked at him, her tears stopping but her eyes were sure a mess from crying, all red and poofy.
"Is..is there any way I can help you, so you won't have to hurt anyone? It doesn't hurt but to ask..," she said, looking at him. "I may not have much...but I will try, no matter what."
He must not have meant to..but he..looks like he's hurting. But from what?.. she thought.
What have I gotten myself into...
He dropped his head for a moment, thinking hard. What could she do? It wouldn't be very possible to hurt no one, as he'd eventually be overcome by bloodlust again, and the serum would wear off, or he'd run out of funds to support his research...
She could be his victim, that would be hurting only her...
But it'd still be hurting someone.
The only sure way that he would never hurt anyone would be for him to die... and he couldn't see that happening.
He looked up at her again, through hooded eyes, his hat casting a dark shadow over his now deep blue eyes. "You have a kind heart." He muttered, a hand rising to rub his chin. "I don't think I can stop... hurting people."
Unless I made you my subservient...
He had a feeling she wouldn't like that, but... maybe she had other options? Maybe she could think of something... maybe she wouldn't refuse...
"Unless you became my feeder... I know it's not the greatest of options but... you'd be safe." He couldn't exactly promise her her safety, but if she was willing to help him...
Jadea blinked. "A feeder?.."
But that's a contract! That must mean he's..he's..a vampire? Wait, that can't be right. A feeder is a contract mostly used for most demonic or..wait, no that's not right, it was commonly used for werewolves and/or vampires, if the person felt it necessary under their own suvival, like diseases..death in the family or just weak altogether. In that ideal, he can't harm a single person, minus the person who agrees under the contract. In return, you're used for whatever reasons are necessary, from..sexual pleasures to ..being the food, vampirically speaking. she thought as she blushed slightly from what she recalled before resting her eyes. "If that's what it takes..I'll do it. But, you have to swear it that you won't harm a single person other than me," she said, her voice calm, but soft.
"If you will tell no one, my word is yours." He bowed his head, removing his hat to fully acknowledge her. She understood... that's lucky.
He sighed, shaking the hair from his eyes. Now how would this work... most cases he'd heard of involved the vampire or vampiress taking her feeder to his or her dwelling, where they would both reside... but he didn't want to deny this woman of her former life.
But could he depend on calling upon her? His powers would allow him to do that... but would she come? Would he have to come to her?
Maybe he could... but then maybe he could stay with her as his needs would require her frequent attention...
He racked his brain, cursing himself for what he was. Clutching the rim of his hat, he looked up at her again, face as calm and expressionless as before this all happened, though his voice was distinctly solemn.
"What will you do, I wonder..." He brushed the streaks of wet the tears left with a finger, gazing quietly at her. "I accept your contract, but it is up to you where you will stay."
Jadea looked at him before blushing at his touch, before looking at him determined.
"I...I will go with you. And..I won't tell anyone about you," she said. "I will supply with whatever you need, whether it be blood or.." She gulped at what she was about to say while blushing slightly. "Er..whatever else you need."
He nodded, glad for her cooperation, but still perturbed at his hesitance. "Thank you..."
What had made him stop in the first place? He placed a hand at the back of his neck, sighing as he removed his weight from her; she was free in the alley.
"You will have time to gather whatever items you feel are necessary...", he replaced his hat on his head, turning to the alley's opening. "I will escort you home. It's getting quite late."
He looked at her from out of the corner of his eyes, his face in shadow as he placed his coat around her. "Now let us go, before someone finds us here." He remembered her fear, her tears, her determination, her blush... it was quite overwhelming.
Jadea blinked at the sudden movement of a coat being placed around her before blushing, slightly burying herself against it only to nod. "I..have my things and my papers...it..it shouldn't take us long to move them..since they're still in boxes..," she said rather nervously before pointing in the other direction. "I live in the teacher houses..just down that way from the student dormitories."
Turning from her, he looked in the direction she had pointed and grabbed her hand, leading her from the alley. "Very well. You should find my apartment comfortable. And if not, I shall make it so." He gave her a half-smile as he looked back, noting this particular area...
Hopefully it's too late for anyone else to be out...
Leading her down the sidewalk and around a corner, he paused at an intersection for a moment, adjusting the sleeves of his white collared shirt, then continued into a brisk walk with Jadea in tow. He couldn't think of anything much to say.
Arriving at the entrance to the complex, he looked around, raising a brow, then turned to her, tilting his head slightly. "Which one is it? I'll help you carry your things. Transportation isn't an issue, so don't worry..." Surely he'd need his serum tonight, after deciding on teleporting her things with them.
Jadea stared at his hand gripping hers and dumbly followed him.
He..certainly changed moods quick. But..I guess I was right on him not meaning to hurt anyone. she thought before blinking, realizing what he was asking before pointing to the house in front of him.
"You got it on the first try," she said, smiling. "It's not that I'm worried about transportation, since I carry little with me. All I have is just clothes, blankets and some of my papers. I was hired a month ago, so you'll have to excuse the mess."
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I wonder what it'll be.. does it hatch?
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Mini Tokyos
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I wonder what it'll be.. does it hatch?