This Friday night my brother attempted to take his life..... I don't know why it bothers me so much. It's not like this is his first attempt. I don't know what to do anymore. I just want him to stop trying. His medical file says its the 433rd attempt. Most of which were in an instituite one place or another....... cry
Most people say that people do it to get attention, but that is not always true. Some, not many but some do it cause they hate their lives. My brother has had such a hard life that he couldn't take it, He took 9 aleve and drank some alcohol. cry
He is fine now but I can't help wondering when he will try again. It is upsetting. I don't know what to do. cry He says he wont do it again but he will and what if next time I am not there.
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You can't stop love, you can only slow it down. ~when emptiness is all you feel, fill up with what you love.~