biggrin This page is a dedication to my bestest friend, Tsukiyama Jaganshi. (Sylvia)
Well, Tsuki is like a sister to me. n.n She's always really nice, and she cares a lot about other people. And even through the bad times, she's always stayed with me, and helped me through it! She's like my sub-concious or something. XD Seriously, I would always consider cutting myself, but I'd stop because I knew it'd upset her. o..o And I don't wanna do that to her, because she's done nothing to deserve such emotional abuse because of my foolish-ness. >.< -nods- She doesn't seem to have much self-confidence though. (Note to Tsuki: LOVE YOURSELF! YOU DESERVE IT!) I dunno why... >.> She's got nothing to be ashamed of. She's a really good person. ^_^ So... yeah. And she;s imspired me to be a better person too! >o< TSUKI IS MY IDOL! o.o I wanna be as good a person as her. >.< She's always got something nice to say to people, and she knows how to cheer people up really well. 3nodding She's so cool. o..o So I figured that she deserved something special. sweatdrop I suppose a page in my journal is a wimpy attempt to repay her for her kindness, but I'll try to figure out some other ways to thank her. biggrin
Thank you Tsuki, for always being her for me. You rock! whee Never forget that, okay?
xBroken Porcelainx · Wed Feb 28, 2007 @ 05:10am · 1 Comments |