crying This entry is dedicated to my dear friend Nick, who is leaving the internet soon...
Nick my dear friend,
I'll miss you very very much! >.< So much that I feel like crying right now just at the thought of you leaving. You were always here for me when I needed someone to talk to you, and you have always been supportive and nice to me, even when I may have been being difficult. You deal with so much, sometimes I really wonder how you can act so cheery... And when you're sad, it makes me sad as well. T.T I hate seeing you upset, because you're a good person, and you deserve to be happy. You were always the guy who could make everyone else smile, but not himself sometimes...
Your absence will not be forgotten.
Love, Asuka
xBroken Porcelainx · Thu Mar 15, 2007 @ 03:19am · 0 Comments |