The Forest of Death Pairing: Naruto/Kabuto Summary: Inside the Forest of death, Narutos squad and Kabuto are trying to find sleeping arrangements, and they decide to sleep in pairs. Whats Naruto to do when hes paired up with Kabuto? A/N: I know this may be a little twisted in plot but I couldnt resist when I got the idea rolleyes Copyright to Masashi Kishimoto. ____________________________________________________________________
"Its getting late, guys. We should stop and get some sleep tonight." Kabuto suggested as he slumped down by a tree, clearly exhausted from the hours-long walk torwards the tower. All of them were tired and beat up after the fight they went through battling those ninjas in suits like Rock lees, except in yellow. True, they were easy to beat because they were foiled by Narutos plan by making shadow clones to take their place in battle, but it still beat the crap out of them to go against them.
Sasuke layed down by a tree, trying to avoid Sakura when she tried cuddling up to him, suggesting "Oh, Sasuke-kun, its best to keep warm by staying close together, that way our bodyheat helps keep us warm!" Sasuke kept his distance with her as she kept following him. "Whats that do? Wont we need a blanket or something?" Naruto asked aloud. "Well, Sakura would be right. Its proven to work by scientists that keeping close together in the cold that helps create bodyheat to keep warm." Kabuto stated. "In fact," He inched closer to Naruto. "Why dont we pair up while Sakura and Sasuke go together?" Naruto blinked up at Kabuto and backed away. "Wh-what? You?" Kabuto frowned. "Whats the matter, Naruto-kun? Dont you want to keep warm? I do, its cold!" Still inching closer. "Come on, trust me, wont you?" Naruto backed up til his beck came in contact with a tree, and the medic nin still continued to advance in on him, careless that Sakura and Sasuke were watching from a few feet away, faces twisted into something funny....Obviously they were thinking of something dirty. Naruto tried not to yelp when he felt the taller boys arms wrap around him and press him flush body against body. "Kabuto--! I--ghh! Cant we just switch or something?? I dont...want to be this close to you!" "But I would like to keep warm....please stay with me, Naruto-kun." He nuzzled the top of the blondes head and sighed...the boy smelled of the fish he had earlier that day. He also felt so warm. Naruto tried not to enjoy it too much, even feel embarassed when Sakura and Sasuke kept staring at the two of them holding eachother until Sakura went back to her buisness and huggled Sasuke and fell asleep. Apparently too late for Naruto to ask for help. Kabuto was petting his back and holding him like a protective father. Naruto slowly lost himself to his touch and nuzzled closer or warmth...He figured theres nothign wrong, so whats the reason he cant trust him? Kabuto noticed the boy had fallen asleep and kissed him on the top of his head and layed the boy down, then hisself beside him and drifted off into his own.
-Shades-of-silence- · Mon Mar 19, 2007 @ 12:58am · 0 Comments |