This is kinda depressing. Cessna has been a snot since she went down to Brittany's for Spring Break. I'm not even allowed to talk to my other friends because my mother won't let me call them. I'm pissed off at Damon because he won't get over himself. I'm pissed off at Damon because once again he is cheating on the girl that he's with. I'm pissed off at Cassidy because he was an a*****e last night just because I was on brb for longer than I meant to be. Chiisuchi never answers when I TRY to talk to her about anything! I forgot the Ragnarok CDs at the house, so I can't play that for weeks. This comp screws up constantly, cutting off from the net, so I can't even download the game from the site itself. My father called last night and I picked up the phone only to hear "I didn't call to talk to you". ... Brittany, duh, I just don't get along with her anymore.
I think the part that bugs me the most is the mixed feelings I've been think way too much v.v;
-Kira-Kohanamaru- · Thu Mar 24, 2005 @ 12:12am · 0 Comments |