Help!I need somebody,
Help!Not just anybody
Help!I need someone,help!"
I cant do ANYTHING!!I went downstairs and practiced today,welll
I wouldn't call it a practice it was TERRIBLE!I didn't practice for the
whole week cause I was terrified of that stupid Solo from Peace of
Mind its too hard for me and I can't do it and it gets me depressed.
All I was doing was sitting there thinking "Dads probably listening
thinking "what the hell.",Im the worst thing ever,I hate this guitar,
why did I pick it up?Your horrible you suck get a life and quit.".Im
not good enough and I never will be,I keep getting this voice in my
head to just stop playing and wondered why I deserved it DD:.I wanna
quit lifes just not fair for me anymore.Im a little arrogant a*****e and
that will never change about me.
xx- Jelli cry
Help!I need somebody,
Help!Not just anybody
Help!I need someone,help!"
I cant do ANYTHING!!I went downstairs and practiced today,welll
I wouldn't call it a practice it was TERRIBLE!I didn't practice for the
whole week cause I was terrified of that stupid Solo from Peace of
Mind its too hard for me and I can't do it and it gets me depressed.
All I was doing was sitting there thinking "Dads probably listening
thinking "what the hell.",Im the worst thing ever,I hate this guitar,
why did I pick it up?Your horrible you suck get a life and quit.".Im
not good enough and I never will be,I keep getting this voice in my
head to just stop playing and wondered why I deserved it DD:.I wanna
quit lifes just not fair for me anymore.Im a little arrogant a*****e and
that will never change about me.
xx- Jelli cry
Community Member
aww ;-;