Deep in the pacific ocean, long before metal boats were ever dreamed of, a small group of sailors mutinied throwing their captain over board. The young man struggled to stay afloat as the crew laughed at him, but soon they grew tired and wish for a quicker demise. So down they threw the anchor upon him striking him in his back. As the man sunk he franticly tried to free himself but alas he legs moved not an inch. Holding his breathe he cursed them all in his mind wishing the worst imaginable things upon them, but still he had one regret. He would never be able to pay them back himself. So he made a deal with the evil within himself that he would haunt them even after death. Lo and behold came a solemn almost devilish voice whom spoke the words over and over in his mind "Rip out your eyes as a show of faith and I will loan you my power". Again and again he heard this voice and finally succumb to it. As he ripped his eyes from his skull blood gushing upon the water he saw on last vision of horror. A shark attracted by the blood.
This was not the last of our story though, As the man awoke he lay upon his ship gazing upon the ship and crew he one beloved as their bodies lay crushed as if they had been smashed, the ship lit ablaze around him. And in his hand effortlessly lifted in the air, the very anchor he had been killed with. Horrified with himself he slowly walked toward the captains lounge, or slithered though he did not realize as the case would have it. And left mouth wide at the sight he saw in his mirror. An eerie cruel sight not fit for the world. The man and the crew were never heard of again and how might you ask this story came known to all the sailors of the sea? As you pass the ships graveyard the waves give off the horrid tale as clear as I speak to you now... And sometimes the ships anchor mysteriously goes astray chain and all snapped away.
Wooooooo! I wrote all that in one sitting I really hope you like my story and especially my avatar! Thanks a lot for reading.
Well just so you understand what everything is so your not like "OMG THAT NO FIT IN!" the double scythe is being used ans the anchor clever I know and the hair hes clumps of muck stuck in his head for centuries. Well then leave a comment!
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