I look into my thought, and dreams for questions, answers. They give you more than you really want to know but as much less as you want to know more of. Out of this long life I find out that this is not my real life even though I see it,feel it,and hear it. Like an spell cast an long time ago. In my dreams and thoughts and now I am always named Talindra, The Silver Spirit. It is strange but I am used to that name more than my name in this life or not my life. I feel that I was sent to this life to train, but for what. When is my time up? I wonder if anyone really is the same way? Really only like 1/1000 of the people in the world would know what I mean. lots would say I know but would not. Someone like me that really found out that they had also lived like about around billion years. Alot would say that is not true. Well for the 1/1000 people in the world like me have found out our past, present, and future as we found it in are deep meditations and dreams. magic is real. We are just too weak to use it as humans threw it aside for this so called science, thinking that it will help everyone through there whole life. No it was the old times that are laughing at the 999/1000 of the people in the world that depend on all of this scientific stuff. They laugh at men as they lost there true spirit. We used to adventure on foot or horses, dragons if men were strong enough to tame one. But now. What. Plains, super fancy boats, and the worst of all, Cars. We are not moving forward but are actually moving backwards. Men these day are de-Evolving and destroying life all around them. They think that all of this is helping them. But one day all of this will end up as there own doom. I have trained in deep meditation, seen my dreams. But there is still much to do. Soo much to accomplish. I am Clan Leader, and I will always do what is right. So I have been chosen to observe this time descend in this worlds customs. I do not get there new ways of speaking. It is like confusing in all. But I hang in there. There maybe something useful in this time that I need to know. But the cartoons and games DBZ, Sonic and Legend Of Zelda, resemble my past. Great fighters. Magic, speed. Incredible warriors. Well we have this power but it takes incredible training. That is why I am in training. Just because there cartoons and games does not mean that they are not real. If you called them not real then you are calling me not real. Yes after deep meditation I am connected to these three shows and games. Now people may think I am crazy but you wait. Just wait. Nothing comes just when people want it. It is something to earn. It is something to live by.It is your way of life.Live by it and fight for it like you should.
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