Omg! A week and one day! *panics and runs in circles* Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... Or wait... Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! >.< A bit of both. Totally nervous yet excited. And oh s**t! I have to clean my room tomorrow! My parents are coming down Thursday night... T^T I don't like cleaning. >.<''''
Anywho, Cake! xD Went to Sean's, Watched some Azumanga and ate cake. x3 Hehe. That anime's so kawaii. Kitty! *chomp*
Yeah, Wow. This sounds random. Ohhhh!!! Gotta talk about my trip home. x3 So I decided to go from one end to the other. So Clareview to Science Center. And then I walked from there home. x3 Science center's like only two blocks from the uni, So pretty much from the uni home. 3nodding I was probably half way home when I saw... LIGHTNING!!! Woooooooo!!!!! x3 And then I called Greg, Because he loves chasing after lightning. xD And then it started to rain lightly. It was a nice warm rain and I was happy. Then, Maybe five minutes later, The wind picked up. So it was like this.
Me La dee da dee dum... Ooooooooooooo!!!!! Yay! Lighting! *couple minutes later* Rain. ^^ *few more minutes later* Holy ******** it's cold! God damn wind!!!!!!!! Dx Yeah, it was pretty much like that. sweatdrop
So anywho, I'm bored and all. Tonight's going to be an all nighter. Woooooooo!!! For no reason at all. Travis and I just planned that we'd pull an all nighter on Conquor. xD Yay! Fishee!!!!! *points to picture*
 He's my guardian angel. x3
Anywho, G'night to you all and take care!
P.S. Why the poking??!!!!! xP
Kiarrii · Wed Apr 25, 2007 @ 06:52am · 1 Comments |