As you know I've been hanging around AT forum for a while now. So, I decided that hey, maybe I should check out the Avatar Arena and see what others come out with. Afterall, those people are paid 50K if they win, so there should be some "inspiring" Avatars in there.
I went in there and started rating. It was easy. Typical combination include
Elemental Hair with Aquatic
Elemental Hair with Flame Sword
Flame Sword with Black Clothes
Starters Clothing with well, Starters Clothing
Flame Sword, Black Clothes, Oculus Magica and Lunar Scythe
Oculus Magica, Shadow Spirit and Lunar Scythe
Probably due to the new items release, there is a lot of Mermaids and Dark Reapers lurking in the Avatar Arena. Click, click, click, and I came across this Avatar.

Here is the Avatar's Description:
This foul being is concidered no more than a rumor. All sorts of urban legends have sprund up around him. A few unlucky characters know that some of these legends seem to be true.
Not much is known of Tri-Edge also know as the Azure Flame God, other than his appearance, a strikingly familiar figure to some players, and often surrounded by an azure flame....
Not many have lived to actually see Tri-Edge, but they know he is the ut-most deadliest PKers in The World
I left a comment

And the next day, look what I've got on my Profile

And I, have no choice by to dedicate a Journal entry to him. How could I not? He's just a fine example of... of... of... nothing-ness? xp *shrugs*
So guys, before you go around rating Avatar on the Avatar Arena, just remember that not everyone is open to suggestions. Some like to live under a rock and believe that the world is only made up of them and their rock. If only they knew...
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