My current mood is: Interested.
I am currently listening to: Warehouse by Dave Matthews Band
"Do you believe in destiny; that even the powers of time can be altered for a single purpose?
The luckiest man who walks on this earth is the one who finds true love."
I was watching Bram Stoker's Dracula with Gary Oldman earlier today. This use to be one of my favorite movies as a kid, I would watch it once a week, I was absolutely smitten with Gary Oldman (this was back in the early nineties haha) anyway, I was watching it and I heard the quote you see above. That is an interesting thought isn't? Dracula believes that not even time can stand in the way of love. It was his destiny to find Mina when she was lost to him centuries before. Terribly romantic but I don't know if I believe that. Think about it, if it was true, than that would mean everyone has their 'soul mate' out there and have been reunited with them age after age. I would like to think it is true but it is hard.
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