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The Church of Yay, and other random silliness
Ok, I'm 21, I'm a lesbian and follower of Asatru, if you don't know what that is go check out the Asatru guild. It's pretty interesting. I love History, Vikings, Writing, MOVIES!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sure there is a lot more you could say about me, but I
Virgin Post
Ok, so my first post. Um, not much to say. I'm really bored kinda sick. and Not wanting to head home after the week long vacation at my girl friends house. I love it here. I feel at peace most of the time, I'm myself when I am here and I can talk everyone in this house. I can hardly stand my own family anymore.

So yea, The Church of Yay. Um this is a cult I started. You can worship any god you choose, and when ever you are happy you randomly shout "Yay" and when you are angry or sad you shout "YAY" Even louder to make yourself feel like everything is ok. The Church of Yay also promotes Bubble Therapy. Because Nobody can be sad or angry and blow bubbles at the same time.

If anyone wants to join the Church of Yay, just let me know.


Geirhildr the Merciful
Community Member
Geirhildr the Merciful
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  • [05/19/08 07:22pm]