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b-(^_^-b) I just post here for gold. Don't bother reading -_-

Community Member
Donations: Thank you all..i may have forgotten donations i've received through all my time on gaia as i've just started keeping track. thanks you all anyway

Drag0n_Child: first donator on gaia in '08. she donated alot of things

There have also been many members form microphone rain's old thread that have donated to me and some have quit gaia. i still want to say a big thanks to them <333

Angel: Gothic Butterfly and 100k and Noel's Gift surprised heart
Golden Sparkles: STRangEDEvil44 heart
Lucky Horseshoe, nartian rock, raider shih's garment, satin hairbow, nartian rock, Pt.An.sa embryonic vial, scarlet spirit: Kratty surprised heart heart
Orchid Headphones and fairy wings: Deej heart
Golden Wings: Chirpy surprised heart
YCSA: Romance Pendant, Waffle cone party dress, pink geisha wig, ladybug crown heart
Biff Insanity: Mwee the dragon heart heart heart
vzhustler: nitemare sash heart heart
professions: class headphones heart heart
ruzoh: long drag heart heart
GhostSaber2: kodiac grizzly slippers heart heart
Demonicsperms: water meat set and demonic headphones heart heart
luuux: cherry blossoms and winged anklets surprised heart heart heart
ConflIcted: 100k, bailey, the public zoo's hickup heart heart heart eek
Zynni: 100k heart heart and 250k heart
The extraordinary giver: 15k heart
agwe_god_of_water: demonic anklets, apprentice charm heart heart
theangelo03: 68000g
when_it_ends: 16k and flame mood bubble
Vampire: 100k
Immortal Nobody: 300k

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