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View User's Journal

The Secret Journal
This Journal will have many different subject wrote in it. From poems, to crushes, to pictures, and also being mad at my sister XDD lol, i'll have it open for u all to read, so plz enjoy, and feel free 2 leave comments :3 ^^
Lots of stuff about me~
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Welcome to my profile. Just if you don't have a clue who I am, here is some stuff you might be interested in.

Name: Megan (Call me Meg or Black)
Age: Born in 1996, yeah do the math! xD
Grade: 7th grade ;D
Grades: A and B student ^-^
Hair: Long brown ;o
Eyes: Dark brown ;]
From: Indiana (I'm not givin any more info than that
Glasses?: Yep, my dad says I look smart with them xD
Braces: Yep, they'll be off in like two years.... x3
Animes I love: Card captor, Rozen Maiden, Pichi Pichi Pitch, Mammote! Lollipop, and Tokyo mew mew.
Fav Characters: Sakura from Cardcaptor, SuiSeiSeki from Rozen Maiden, Karen and Hannon from Pichi Pichi Pitch, and I haven't actually started reading/watching Mammote! Lollipop or Tokyo mew mew.
Anything else?: Haha, funny, don't be shy and just ask me =]

I hope you keep on reading. I like to show lots of stuff on my profile, and I try not to make it boring. I'm such a sucker for reading, but if you don't like reading, then you probably won't be reading everything on my profile. But thats okay. I hope you read!! =D


HunterXHunted: (My bf) Fai coat and Langer the Dragon!
Beast: (Mommy) Gold, inks, grace of aph, and winter rose!
Mando: (Daddy) Cloud!
Jen: (Aunt) Rainbow Speedies top and Devoted pawn!

Thank you sooo much! I don't deserve this >3< I'll pay you back, promise!

More info you just might want to know :]

I'm demon/angelic.
I have anger issues. (Sometimes xD)
I like rainbows ;] xDD
Yeah... I can't think of anything else now! xDD

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heart OPEN heart

Shops~~~ XD

My gaia sister, x Mirechan x, is the best, she does awsome avi art!! ^-^ ;o So I'm going to show you the banner I use to advertise for her art, just click on it and it will take you to her shop ^-^

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So buy her art ;D You won't regret it ^^

Another Kawaii art!!
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This shop is AH-MAZING! =D (Clicky to go to shop! ;O)
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Heres another coolie shop =D

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Ceiji's art shop! Buy her art or die D< xD
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Amazing Sketches and Prices =D
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O: So kawaii! Cheap prices! So coolies!!! =] >3<

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Here 200 bumps for all your shops! >3<

Bump Bump Bump Bump Bump Bump Bump Bump Bump Bump Bump
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So your wondering about my art shop? Well.. I have closed it for now, I'm soon to be opening a new shop! *o* Exciting, isn't it? XD I hope you all come and see it, or at least bump the thread. I'll say so when it's open, but right now, it's under construction. XD

Donate to me? xD I collect inks, and you can look at my wishlist if you interested in donating to me ;O
And yes, I DO donate, but to friends or when I just feel like it, so please don't beg me D;

My best friends and family. Mess with them, and you'll mess with me.

x Mirechan x
Teh Magic CupCake
I_Chibi Mochi_I
Zero Payne

Once again, if you mess with these guys, you'll have to mess with me too D<

My Adobtables: Kawaii right? *-* Please feed and play with them to help them grow, and adopt your own kawaii pet too!!! =D
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Next subject ;] I like pics, here are some of my fav icons, just little kawaii stuff ^^ =D!!!
Now, doesn't this look similar to the Pichi Pichi Pitch mermaids? XD
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=o Feel like being generous? Then help me with this? I rlly want it!
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Total Value: 748,051 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
GO Phone
Matcha Tea Time Waitress Dress
Picolitrosso's Urn 3rd Gen.
Kelp o' th' Loch
Inari's Beads 4th Gen
Holy Gauntlets
Felicia's Gloves
Death Whisper (5th gen)
Angel Imp Plushie
Angelic Microphone
Fallen Wish
Fallen Wish
Light Gray Leg Warmers
Oculus Mythica
White Stockings

Here are some pics, that I liked, and are some of the characters in the animes I watch ;3 ;D
Rozen Maiden: ;]
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My fav Rozen Maiden SuiSeiSeki =DD!!!
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I feel so lonely, everything is caving in. If only if only I had someone to comfort me, then I therefore, would truly live...
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Pichi Pichi Pitch: =D
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Me and my awsome bf Hunter ;]

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If you don't let your life go the way you want it to go, then you don't have a good life. So live your life the way you want it, because it's what YOU make it...
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Thank you for visiting my profile, and reading this far! Have a magnificant day =]