Alone robert sat on his chair. Trying to bring forth the nothingness his head contained on the subject of love. For 45 years he had been wrighting a book and all that he had was the dedication page done. He was just missing the person he would dedicate his life's work to. He threw his chair against the wall grabed his book and stormed off in a rageing hissy fit, like that of a two year old. Walking to the bar he could hear them talk about how crazy he as for devoteing all his life to a book that has remained just as empty as the day he started to wright it. They never said these things to his face cause it goes against human nature. No one in this world will ever tell you what they really think. He sat at the bar and took his normal order of whisky shots. Most men think being "******** up" will spark their creativity. I am not sure i caught the meeting where we changed the term for drunken rage to creativity. As he was encountering his 9th shot the bartendress asked him what he was doing being dedicated to this worthless baby for the last 45 years. Then he knew what to wright in his book. It was right infront of him waiting in the most obvious of places. This was his baby , and though it gave him nothing back he loved it with all his heart. Keeping it safe from the world for all this long. He wrote a few words in the book and walked off into the night back to his house. The bartendress saw that he had left his book and knew that something was ary. She was wondering what was in this book and opened it. She saw something startleing on the dedication page. It had just been inscribed with the words" the bartendress that gets me drunk". She flipped to the first page and saw the word decication.The only word in a five hundred page novel. This was his book's final form of truth. She ran after him to return his book. That was the proper thing to do after all, especially since she had just broken the law and read the damn thing. She came to his body lying in the road trying to moan for help and not doing a good job of it all. She rushed over to help him(like they always do trying to be the hero in this damn story). He clenched her shirt and told her to call the book "love". There he lay dead after just spoken the most puzzleing word in the history of mankind.
Intervention · Fri Jun 24, 2005 @ 01:19pm · 1 Comments |