It blew, it sucked and so many of the other words for bad... well there was on good thing.... I didn't have work today, other than that terrible.
I woke up this morning it a very dangerous situation. One my kitten Slivermist AKA Little Miss Special/Retard (I mean it in the nicest way possible) was sitting on my face, I woke up because I was running out of air. I pushed her off to find out that NDS and PSPgo power cords had wrapped around my neck during the night. weird since those two things are no way near the head of my bed....
After cleaning up my room.A great feat for anyone that's seen my room.(there is a reason it's called the bio-hazard)I went to treat myself with a sandwich, I wanted it soo bad I was dreaming of tasting it. So I get the mustard, the mayo, the ham and cheese and then the bread. Everything's fine I made the perfect sandwich till I cut it. The bread was moldy on the inside!(as I look at the word mold I'm shivering)
I only have one fear and that's Mold. It's the only thing that sends me in to straight panic, with screaming, crying, and running away being my lesser reactions. I refuse penicillin, will most likely never become a vegetarian as most of the meat like produces are made from mold, and dislike foods with visible mold eg Blue cheese.
So seeing this was scary. The knife I was holding went flying, and I was running. Screaming for help my brother comes asking me what's wrong. I couldn't even speak I'm sobbing but I point to the kitchen. He goes and he sees the mold. But guess what he does?.... no he doesn't throw it way he opens then closes the garbage can and then comes to me. My stupid self thinks hes going to comfort me: his dear older sister.... hell no! when he go close he pulls out the moldy bread and brandishes towards me like a sword! I was scrambling back trying to get away on my knees, just crawling desperately to get away. And while I'm nearly pissing myself choking on sobs, my a** of a brother is laughing!

A few hours later my stomach told me it was hungry since I never got the sandwich I HAD wanted, so I went out to a corner store and I got some Goya Flan. Two in fact. I needed some comfort food after the way my day was going so far. I get home and I get comfy I open the first packet and with a scream shove it away.MOLD!! (cue panic attack)

Every F'ing thing today as had mold on it. I'm afraid to go into my fridge, I hate my brother. and I HATE MOLD!!! scream