2 Ankou's Strand of White Hair {Alchemized Component Lvl 7 - Formula in Bifrost}
1 Angel's Tears {Alchemized Component Lvl 5 - Formula in Bifrost}
2 Banshee Silver Comb {Alchemized Component Lvl 3 - Formula in Bifrost}
5 Iliaster [Gold Cache]
1 Soul Crystals {Alchemized Component Lvl 9 - Formula in Bifrost}
5 Arcanic Circle {May 1st update}
Arcanic Circle 10,000g
10 Enchanted Water
5 Wizard Leaf (Topaz Cache)
15 Leather Sketchbook
Formula 4: Enchanted Water
Cost to craft: 10000 Gold
5 x Imported Lake Water {Amethyst Cache}
1 x Wizard Leaf {Topaz Cache}
1 x Screaming Mushroom {Topaz Cache}
10 x Sea Water {Aquamarine Cache}
1 x Rainbow Strain {Gold Cache}
10 x Mineral Water {Amethyst Cache}
1 x Rosewater {Sapphire Cache}
Angel's Tears
Cost to craft: 50000 Gold
1 x Cherub Feather {Garnet Cache}
2 x Crushed Gemstones {Gold Cache}
1 x Dryad's Tears {Diamond Cache}
1 x Phoenix's Tear {Platinum Cache}
5 x Unicorn's Tear {Diamond Cache}
Banshee's Silver Comb
Cost to craft: 7500 Gold
5 x Deer Sinew Cord {Sapphire Cache}
2 x Diamondite {Sapphire Cache}
10 x Anycolor Lacquer {Aquamarine Cache}
1 x Hippogriff Talon {Topaz Cache}
5 x Mirror Shards {Sapphire Cache}
1 x Abada's Twin Horn {Amethyst Cache}
2 x Electrum {Garnet Cache}
For Archer
Succubus Kiss
Cost to craft: 10000 Gold
1 x Succubus's Blood {Gold Cache}
1 x Succubus's Bone {Platinum Cache}
10 x Snake Oil {Amethyst Cache}
4 x Wriggling Tentacles {Garnet Cache}
2 x Ginseng {Amethyst Cache}

5 Turf
2 Pixie Dandruff
1 Unicorn Poop
10 Shiitake
2 Dust Motes

10 x Scissors {Emerald Cache}
10 x Plastic Token {Emerald Cache}
10 x Anycolor Paint {Emerald Cache}
10 x Flax Seed {Emerald Cache}
1 x Troll Amulet {Aquamarine Cache}
5 x Rabbit's Tail {Aquamarine Cache}