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Paks Journal

smiling fool
Community Member
A Short Story
So Wrong

Oh dear lord, why? Why, why, why did she always like to take shortcuts? Couldn’t she have just taken the extra few minutes it would take to get home by walking on the sidewalk like a normal person, where at least there may have been someone to witness her impending doom?

She was in full flight, the maroon colored hoodie she wore flying behind her like a cape. Her breathing was becoming ragged, and her muscles burned – Jesus, they burned like crazy. But she didn’t dare stop, for the footsteps she kept hearing behind her were not fading. In fact, was it just her ears fooling her, or did they sound like they were getting closer? Clenching her fists, her arms worked like pistons as she sped up in a last burst of energy, turning a corner she prayed led to the streets.

Though, it seems she didn’t pray hard enough.

Instead of the open street, where sunlight would stream out indefinitely during this time of day, she was faced with a dead end. She felt her stomach drop to her feet, her already pounding heart picking up its rhythmic pace. What was she supposed to do now? Hearing the heavy breathing of another, she whipped her head around to see her pursuer standing in the way of her only exit. He looked of broad build, a man, most definitely. But it was hard to see much else of his description, the tall brick walls around them shadowing every bit of the alleyway. Though her eyes were well enough that she could see he was a dark, cloaked figure – which didn’t do her any good at all.

He took a step closer, making her in turn take a step back. They continued this exchange of steps until she felt cold brick against her back and fingertips, a sharp gasp escaping her lips as he continued to saunter over, a sinister grin forming on his lips and his black cloak flowing behind him. An alarm went off in her head as she remembered her own voice. “H-Help,” She was able to choke out. Swallowing hard, she cleared her throat and repeated the words; this time so loud that she thought for sure people across the world would be able to hear her. “Someone, please help me!”

But, no one came. No man in red and blue tights came flying in to rescue her, nor were sirens heard throughout the city. The only sound she could hear was the crunching of gravel under his shoes as each step he took brought him closer to her. Was she doomed?

Her mind was racing, along with her heart as she tried to figure out a way to escape. Where did all that random information of self-defense she had learned from T.V shows go? Why couldn’t she remember how that lady from Miss Congeniality escaped so many dangerous situations? Why couldn’t she even remember that lady’s name? She felt like her head was going to explode, which wouldn’t be too bad of a fate considering the possibilities of what this man could do to her. No, I can’t give up now, she thought to herself as her eyes desperately searched for something that she might be able to use. The figure was nearly a meter from where she was standing before she spotted a discarded wine bottle just a foot behind him. If she could just get that, she may have a chance.

Now it was simply a challenge of timing. When he attacks, she began to plot, sweat trickling slowly down her forehead, I’ll make my move. The man was right in front of her now and she could see him more clearly. He donned a large, black cloak that circled his body with the hood over his head. A mask, colored a pale white covered his face. Its eyes were turned up to look like it was happy and its mouth was gaped open in a Cheshire-cat like grin. But that wasn’t the worst part of it. There were splatters of red coloring along the mask like it had been bombard with paintballs. Though of course, she knew it wasn’t paint… A shiver ran down her spine, only one word coming to mind as to describe such a thing-- “Creepy?” She froze, fearful as the man spoke the word. His voice came out like a low hiss, deep and threatening. Even more, he knew what she had been thinking. Unbeknownst to her, the expressions on her face clearly broadcasted whatever she was feeling inside her. But there was something, something about his voice that nagged at her. What was it?

He reached towards her, touching her cheek with his hand and caressing her long black hair. His hands were as cold as ice and the simple action nearly made her heart stop – but she still didn’t move. Not yet… The masked man grinned when he saw that she wasn’t resisting. He lifted his other hand from the cloak around him, revealing a bloodied kitchen knife that seemed to glow a deep red. The sight of it made memories flash through her mind, like her life was being played on a big movie screen inside of her eyes. She couldn’t stop trembling, or her breath from turning into short gasps for air. Gripping the knife’s handle with both hands, he raised it above his head. His eyes through the mask looked crazed for blood and his mouth was raised in such a high grin it almost matched the one on his mask. NOW! She shouted in her mind, launching a punch into the man’s gut and diving for the wine bottle, for she was sure a punch like hers wouldn’t keep the wind knocked out of a guy like that. He gave a sharp, surprised intake of breath, wrapping one arm around his stomach as the other supported him with the wall. Grabbing the alcoholic container she stood up and wasted no time in slamming it against the masked man’s head just as he was about to turn around. It shattered into a thousand pieces as it made contact, causing him to fall over onto the ground. Relief flooded her as she watched him fall, breathing heavily and dropping the broken bottle.

It seems she had hit him pretty hard, for his mask had broken and there was a large, bloody wound where the bottle hit. That will definitely hurt in the morning, she mused to herself, trying to lighten the mood as she reached for her cell phone. But it was then, that when she took a closer look at the man he looked familiar. No, she thought, confused. I can’t know this killer… Though this is what she wanted to believe, the voice from before wouldn’t stop replaying in her head. She knew this person. Letting her curiosity get the better of her, she stalked over to the fallen man, fearing him still. Now her heart was racing for a different reason. Kneeling down next to his face, she plucked away the broken mask pieces until his whole identity was revealed to her.

She couldn’t believe it.

This masked man, who had chased her, raised a knife at her and had tried to kill her. This man was her one and only brother.

She could only stare wide eyed, covering her mouth with both of her hands in shock. Why? It made no sense. Her brother would never do anything to hurt her. Her older brother who would save her from bullies when she was young and even do that, ‘peek – a – boo’ thing whenever she was sad. She wanted to believe it was all a dream, or that this person really wasn’t him. But it obviously wasn’t a dream, and the features of this man matched her brother’s perfectly. There was her brother’s handsomely cut face, birthmark right above his left eye and black bed-head hair. She would bet a million dollars that if his eyes were open, they would be as ocean blue as hers. But now what? Was her brother really a killer? He had chased her like this… If he is, then should I call the police..? The conflicted girl lifted her phone and began dialing, messing up a few times before finally being able to call 911. A woman’s voice answered after the ringing. “Hello… Please come here quick,” she begged, her voice still a bit shaky from everything that’s happened. She would get him help, at the very least. The woman then asked her to calm down and tell her where she was. She nodded to no one in particular, looking around the alley, though she couldn’t figure out where she was at all. “Um, I don’t know whe –” she stopped, cut short as she felt a cold hand wrap around her eyes and something metallically sharp against her throat.

“Peek – a – boo.”

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