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GundamNook's Gaia Blog
The Gaia web blog of GundamNook. Be afraid!! XD
Happy Bunny Day!!

VJ Playlist
Wow... it's been a while since I've written anything in my journal! Ooops! sweatdrop

I just made a VJ playlist of some of my favorite Anime Music Videos. I've got videos from Cowboy Bebop, Hellsing, Eva, Naruto, Gundam Wing, Fullmetal Alchemist, Trigun, Vampire Hunter D, & Sailor Moon.

Check it out! ----->


I don't know what to say.
I'm not sure what to say. My friend was activated for deployment to Iraq a week ago and I went into denial. I thought, "no she isn't going", "this is just a joke". Well, today was no joke.

I just got back from sending her off from the airport. And I'm quite sad. She will be gone for up to 18 months. I guess I'm not exactly sure on how am suppose to feel. Should I be happy, proud, sad, depressed? Well, I am all of those things. But I'm also selfish. Selfish for not wanting her to go. Selfish that she should be here with her friends and family instead of going to a war in which she doesn't approve of and defending our country. She's very honored to be going, and like I said, I'm proud of her. We all are. I just don't know what to say at this point. sad

*runs away and crys in a corner*

I love these current glitches!! Check out my multi-layered hat!! Whee, what fun!! blaugh

Ok, it's been a few days since I donated for the October letters, and still no sign of them in my items. Is anyone else having problems getting their letters? I just hope I get them in time to open them. *is worried* eek

Yes, I know that I can open them anytime after the donation items have been announced, but that's no fun. I enjoy opening my letters on the day that their announced and being one of the first people to show off that months donation items!! 3nodding

Oh, does anyone know if there's gonna be a Halloween event this year? I wasn't here for last Halloween's event, so I hope there's one this year!! blaugh

Well, it's been a week since the last episode of FMA aired, and I'm starting to go through withdrawls. Every Saturday, for the past 4 months, I would wake up early to start my download of that weeks raw FMA episode. Then I would go back to sleep for another couple of hours. By the time I would actually wake up again, the download would be complete. That was the routine. Well, since last week was the last episode, it felt very weird when I woke up this morning and I had no new FMA episode. crying

I'm trying to find some new animes to start watching. Some of my choices are Bleach, Mai-Hime, Monster, Gundam SEED DESTINY, & Gakuen Alice. Anyone have anything else they would like to suggest? Just trying to keep myself occupied until next year when the FMA movie comes out. xp

Ok, I'm done ranting now! domokun

Whee... I'm a sexy witch!! 4laugh

My big orange/white Koi, out in our little backyard pond, is MIA. I think a big bird got him. If it was a Coon (like the ones that got our Koi two years ago), there would have been bits of him around. There's nothing but some scales still in the water. crying gonk

At least the little white baby Koi is fine. He must have been hiding, or he would have been a goner too. *is very sad* sad

On a much happier note, 1 HOUR UNTIL THE FINAL EPISODE OF FMA!! blaugh

Yay, my first post in my new Gaia Blog!! Whee!! whee

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