Other fun stuff.
This is a from a shop that I once had open on Gaia. Unfortunately, when I tried to move the data I was using onto a new computer via CD-R, there were some corrupted files, and before I could tell the old computer's owner not to delete the files on that computer, it was too late. SO, if I ever want to start it again, I have to rescan my sketches, edit them pixel by pixel, color them, redo all the props, etc... A YEAR of work. A YEAR!!!! scream I was almost finished with a lemur, too...
RavendorFoxx Pet Examples Kangaroo:Regular Pet [ x] Props: Boxing Gloves x] Ear Ring (redoing soon) [ x] Tail Rings [ 1] [ 2] Crown [ x] Necklace with pendant (also redoing) [ x] Cape [ x] Penguin:Regular Pet [ x] Props: Bow Tie [ x] Neck Tie [ x] Crown [ x] Sceptre [ x] Cape [ x] Mouse:Regular Pet [ x] Props: Purse [ x] cheese [ x] Matchstick [ x] Ear Ring [ x] Tail Spring [ x] Skull and Crossbones Tattoo (redoing) [ x] Eye Patch [ x] Fox:Regular pet [ x] Props: Ear Ring [ x] Necklace with shield pendant [ x] Bat Wings [ x] Eye Patch [ x] Hook [ x] Back Spikes [ x] Cape [ x] Sword [ x] Knife belt [ x] Crown [ x] BatRegular Pet: [ x] Props Thumb Ring [ x] Tree (counts as background, rather than prop) [ x] Cross Pendant Necklace [ x] Crown [ x] Fangs [ without blood] [ with blood] Spikes [ x] Ear Ring [ x] T-shirt and Pants [ x] Magic Staff/Sceptre [ x] Background Examples Fire 1Fire 2Oily Water?Cubed IceBlue and Red Tie Dye SpongedToxic GasMore to come!Remember, all animals and props have customizable colors. If you don't like the color of a certain prop, just tell me which color you want, or send me an image of the specific color you had in mind. Also, the backgrounds can have 2 colors. So far, I've only discovered the cloud background, but with different colors, it can look like flames, poison gas, etc... Therefore, if you wish to have your background look like flames, poison gas, or some other plasma/gas mixture in air, just say so in your order, and I'll see what I can do. mrgreen
This was comissioned to me to COLOR! I didn't sketch it, but I edited it from a light sketch. I even had to redraw in some of the lines on photoshop in order for it to be solid enough to color. (Can't tell where I had to do that, can ya? xd ) So, I'm NOT taking credit that this is mine. However, I also can't remember who I colored it for, but it was a fillabunny_(something) on gaia... I loved it and kept it... 3nodding
Here are a few more pics that I edited for various gaia users.

RavendorFoxx · Sat Sep 23, 2006 @ 06:04am · 0 Comments |
This is where I am placing my drawings and sketches and digitally upgraded pieces of art! At least, the ones that are worth placing here... most of my art is crap, but I'll let you decide that. wink
Yes, I placed all the GOOD stuff at the bottom...
This was my very first sketch that actually had some form to it... Yes, it's crap, but I tried, OK?!?! Geez!

And, for my next piece of junk... the first sketch in my sketchbook, which was a gift to me by one of my best friends. She's so cool. (I'm not telling) Anyways, I know it's difficult to tell where the lines are that divide the fox from the tree... SORRY! sweatdrop
Here are my 3 and only 3 images of Ravendor himself. When I couldn't quite get him right after 3 tries, I basically quit... He supposed to look like an older and wiser Inuyasha with red hair, a tail (which I forgot to add in the first one gonk ), and other features I'm sure you'll notice... He's also a fox, not just a dog...

Here's the rest of the junk that doesn't need any explanation... sweatdrop Enjoy, if you dare...

Here is actually a sketch that I spent quite a bit of time on. Two days to be exact... I used my own hand, and Dog did I have cramps in that hand when I was finished. Yes, I elongated the palm to make it seem more... demonic... This is supposed to be the hand of Ravendor, before he strikes...

This was a commission to a member of the AFG. I regret that I was unable to finish it, but I DID get the character sketch done. I couldn't think of a good pose for him... Anyways, it's supposed to be a wolf/dragon Hybrid...
Alright... here's the good stuff... (sort of...) I don't have the original sketches uploaded, but I might, someday... Anyways, like I said, I took these sketches that I made and I edited them practically Pixel by Pixel... then, I added color, texture, etc... This is my character (and fursona) Richard James Foxx (Rick)
This wasn't the first one I edited, but it was my first sketch of him. It was a wierd day. I felt a need to try something ... simpler... like a cartoon, or whatnot... This was what I came up with, and while I sketched, I came up with a whole biography of him. Isn't he cute?

This is another sketch of Rick... (actually, all of the colored sketches will most likely be of Rick. lol ) I was toying with the idea of a passive character who was rejoicing (silently) for his regained power (see the little white sphere? It's a ball of ethereal energy... I didn't know how to use textures yet, so it just looks like a ping pong ball...) The moon's texture was done by hand, not by the computer... fun fun...

This was the first one I edited. It seemed easier, and it was one of my favorites. (That's war paint, not scars or tape... stare )

This one was wierd to work with. I think I should have added an extra sword, lighter, to make it look more like motion, rather than just an extra sword in his hand... oh well... ANYways, I needed a pic to show what his powers can do when he needs it, (or if he's just plain pissed off, which isn't often...) I made this background from scratch. 3nodding
RavendorFoxx · Sat Sep 23, 2006 @ 06:02am · 0 Comments |
This is some poetry that I've written over time. Actually, the oldest would probably be maybe 2 years old... before that, I wasn't very good at expressing myself in... poetic terms... Most of it is free verse, but there are a couple that rhyme, and I believe one "Fixed" verse... twisted
No really! *sigh* I wrote this a little while ago. I've since changed my mind, but this was how I felt about "True Love," and the difference between love and lust. Then, I heard a song that put a story in my head and completely changed my mind about the whole thing. Anyways, this isn't how I feel anymore, but it's poetry, and others may feel the same way.
Love is over-rated
Love,... is over-rated. It makes me sick how everyone's stated it's the best feeling anywhere. Look at his/her eyes! Feel his/her hair! Oh Johny! I'll love you forever! oh Mary! I'll catch you whenever! Whatever... Two weeks later she's serenading some other guy. He's dating some other girl. it makes me hurl didn't he buy her a pearl? it's just sick and wrong don't go along! It's just lust! all crushes rust! it's all a bust of feelings and crap don't be a sap until you're ready to commit to a life in the pit! Because, like I've stated, and hated, love, or lust, ... is over-rated...
Well, what can I say. I wrote it in chemistry when I had some free time. I don't much like it, but everyone else does. It sounds like rap to me, and I don't like rap. Anyways, go ahead and enjoy it...
This sick old Rhyme
This sick old rhyme sublime on time this c-note raw in-law glass jaw I cannot stand this band this strand of hair so fair is glares. My life is full of surprises it supplies us it pries us from the deep sleep we wish to keep the clock goes "beep" and you cant stop it don't drop it just prop it against the wall and listen to my drawl don't bounce the ball! It makes me sick you little p***k! Don't be so quick to pay that dime all covered in grime and listen, ... to my Sick Old Rhyme...
This is a poem I wrote when I did something wrong, and I knew it was wrong, and then I felt guilty about it...
Oh Fool that I am
Oh how foolish I was. I sinned and I knew it was so. I could not stop myself. The temptation was too great to overcome... Oh woe is me in my pitiful mortal state, that I cannot conquer even the slightest temptation! I think to myself, "life is but a second compared to a life I could have after death." But it's not that easy! "I must have this!" or "I must do that!" "It's only once!" "I can repent later!" No! Stop this madness, please! I can't take it anymore! I want to make it to heaven! I want to be good. I want to tell the world to be righteous. But, then I would feel like a hypocrite. Oh foolish and vain mortal that I am! So much sin, so much worldy pleaseure placed above eternal happiness. *whispers* Why? ...
This is a poem that I created. YES, I CREATED IT! *ahem* pardon me... I was given a topic (freedom), so I wrote on it. I have the strange ability to write poetry on any subject. Anyways, this is not the first, nor the last.
Freedom? At What Cost?
Oh Freedom my everlasting glades of delight, prospering, prospering, in vain... My freedom is not whole in this accursed land of sorrow and pestilance. Yes, it is home, and it protects me, but it does not nurture me or give me strength. Nay, it does cause sorrow and meaningless grief to my soul. Why must thou fill thyself with crime and evil Oh Land of Inheritance? I did love thee once. I was blind. I thought thee brave and true, though you may be, you choose to do good for the wrong reasons. So take up your arms and fight. for what freedom? from paying for sin? Aye, from repentance of sin. you mock those who are righteous and pretend to be helping the people but you are not. you only protect sin and Hatred. Mock me no longer, or you shall feel my wrath... Oh accursed Land of Inheritance
This is another poem I wrote about my feelings and thoughts on my bad memory. I have a very bad memory. In fact, I had to write a note on my arm to remind me to put this poem on here. I feel so degraded... Anyways, here it is.
This World All Mine Own
In this world of my own, My memory fails me today. So what's new? Oh I hate my mental state, my bad, short, memory. It pains me so to search the vastness of my consciousness in vain. I can't even remember a key word I want to use in conversation when the time is ripe. No, no no no no no! Why must I suffer like this? Is it my humungous vocabulary that "de-feets" me? But, lo, I cannot blame anyone but myself, for I must take responsibility into mine own hands and use it as a tool to conquer the foe that seeks to destroy me. That foe is, Memory and Attention Deficit Disorder. I bite my thumb and gnash my teeth at this pestilential disease! Foolish disorder, You shall be vanquished! Neither of us can survive while the other lives! So, I shall take up the no-dachi of dreams and I shall wear the helm of concentration and the gauntlets of Aderol, And I shall pursue my foe to the ends of my abilities, until only one can exhist In this world all my own.
This is another part of that project I had. This one is much better though. I was able to bear my soul to this piece of paper... (don't ask) Now, I can describe my childhood to all those who want to know! It wasn't a good one! Sure, I was fed and nurtured, but look what I did to myself!!!
Childhood Games
Behold! My childhood before your very eyes! As an infant, I would run through a small patch of forest in my cousins' back yard. We would play "hide n seek" Or attack each other with sticks. We would mess with the wasp nest and then run back into the house. When I got a little bit older, I discovered a migical black rounded box called "SEGA" All my time afterwords was spent with Sonic the Hedgehog and that guy who always got a Road Rash. I isolated myself and cursed the world whenever I was forced to enter it again! It eventually was destroyed... When I got into my 4th grade I discovered Pokemon. I became a Pokemon fanatic. I would do ANYTHING for more cards! I learned how to play the game, how to trade and rip off the newbies, how to excell in my world! Then, new games came out. Pokemon was removed from the mainstream. I was devastated... I reverted back into my pitiful little hole, and played my video games, until my image was just not the same. I became thinner, and paler. Curse those games that blighted my heart and soul! For I have been destroyed, and socially outcast, by my love and obsession for games...
This was actually a poem I wrote for a class project, but I thought it was quite good. I was supposed to tell about my favorite place. I, of course, chose my room, because it was where I could be alone. I being an isolationist, need time alone ... a lot... ANyways, this is the poem I wrote.
My Utopia
My utopia is my room. I can hide there, and read there, and do all manner of personal things there. It's my space, my home... I am an isolationist as you can probably tell. I need my own time, By myself... ALONE... I need peace and quiet quite often now. In my room, with a lock, to keep other ... people from destroying my isolation by walking in and yelling to me that they just want one of those or to climb under the platform, or to play my games, or to yell, "Time for dinner!" to my face. That is why I have a lock! That is why I isolate myself! To get away from that! Stop the world! I want to get off! In my Room, my Space, In my Utopia...
Yes, I know. It's about time I wrote some poetry that has something to do with my obsession over foxes. Well, here it is. I was finally inspired to write some poetry about foxes. I think it's a mix between narrative and nature, but I went with nature. Enjoy...
Fox Friend
I have a friend orange black and white he is a fox he doesn't bite I see the fire in his heart so pure and strong and I long to see him one day... I name him Iggy after his ignacious personality... He leaps and plunges on his prey and plays freely no cares in the world for my vulpes vulpes friend I wish to have one day... His home is a small burrow with two holes. dirt and bones everywhere as well as flesh and hair. Caches of meat are buries around there is no sound... the parents are bounding in joy over their new offspring... Adorable pups come out of their hole and face the world so bright and cold with fall air on the brink of winter. "Go get the stick!" The vixen seems to say as one of the pups leaps onto a twig and bats it around like a toy... which it basically is... I watch them grow slowly as Iggy and Vixen trade off babysitting and hunting for their precious bundle of joy... The pups see snow and joy is felt. The parents see ice. hunters come for their pelts. Wolves hunt near but don't see their home Father Iggy leads them on a futile chase and leaves them to perish from starvation. The family rejoices... The pups are no longer pups. They leave for spring and a carefree summer. Iggy and Vixen depart for a while. They will come back. someday. to start again. They will live on to breed again... Iggy's bright orange coat glistens in the sun. Trappers try to snag him with their guile, but are no match for Iggy's instinctual wits and will to survive. My friend lives on, and I pick up camp. Live free Iggy. I will see you again, my friend. Come fall, I will be back to see your story unfold retold for all eyes to see. My fox, my Iggy, my friend...
This is one of my first works of poetry. It's old, so it doesn't completely show me at this time. But, it's mine, and that's all that matters...
My Oath
I feel like a gecko,
Small, fast, quick-minded, intelligent, (I pause)
Completely useless.
I can move like the wind,
I can crawl up any surface,
with the tiny little hairs on my padded feet,
Even a window.
(Beep! Beep!)
I come back to reality.
Who am I really?
Am I really who I plan to be?
Intelligent, helpful, funny,
Nerdy, kind, (too kind),
Or am I that gecko in my daydreams?
That small, white, marbled looking creature,
Dodging all obstacles in my way
Evading all predators on my way to,
To what?
I’m useless, helpless, hopeless,
I think again of my future,
Of learning to fence,
Of practicing my swordplay,
Swishing my black blade
Back and forth, slashing my foe at just the right moment,
I fight great battles
I make awesome medieval movies
With great battles in them And awesome fighting scenes,
War scenes,
I choose the best punk rock and classical music
“Jameson! Stop staring at me!”
Reality smacks me in the face and says
I turn my head in a different direction.
I dream of my future car,
My electron blue w/ orange racing stripes on the sides,
Z06, black leather interior, 2004, Chevrolet Corvette,
If I live in Vegas, Won’t the black leather cause a problem?
Stupid bell.
Don’t touch me! I’m awake!
I can’t wait `till I get home to my peaceful bedroom.
“Hurry up, Jameson! You’re gonna be late for choir!”
Yeah yeah yeah.
I sing the songs I’ve been practicing for months,
And I slip into my subconscious,
I’m on the “telly”
Poor Dr. Phil is deceased and I’ve taken his place.
The show is now called “Dr. Hill”
I laugh to myself.
It’s my dream, my future, my quest,
My fate.
Or is it?
But, it’s a daydream.
I wake up.
I’m done singing.
Everyone else is too.
I sprint to the piano,
And play the song I made.
I think and sweat to find a…
Wait a minute!
I’ve got it!
I’ve got a name for my song!
I call it,
“My Oath”
RavendorFoxx · Sat Sep 23, 2006 @ 06:01am · 0 Comments |
Here are some lyrics that I've written over time... My favorite (the first one) is an epic that was truly an inspiration. Enjoy...
This a a song I wrote for a friend. I was actually kindof surprised when I wrote it. I don't usually write love poetry/songs. It disgusts me, but this was actually kindof good. I wrote it one day, and then I looked at it when I was finished, and I reeled in shock. My exact words were, "I WROTE THAT!?" I've changed it slightly (one line was wierd and I changed stuffed to stowed). It's kindof mysterious and innocent, which is what I was going for anyways...
Is it True, is it Right
Is it true For the heart of night Is it right For the Soul of light Risen from a long deep sleep Ravendor arose to keep A promise made to world so grim It made a fatal blow to him
(chorus) It can't be true It can't be right A soul of light and a sould of night They met on odd and dreary day fighting side by side he prayed in his heart to die again to save him from this fate within but when he looked into her eyes it gave him strength to arise he realized ... there was still hope
The heart of night a vampiress Mekai (pronounced meh-kai-yee?) seemed treacherous But though a demon she appeared her sould was pure her heart indeared she would not be defeated by this strange new feeling within but this man she met so recently had something extra in him
They beat their foes and journeyed far They endured woes of Ravendor They found his ring in mountain peak his power regained this time to keep Back tohome they traversed never knowing his ring was cursed
A fit of energy he felt destroying all till his anger was dealt Just in time he stowed it all into his sword for more control Before he fell down to the ground Mekai caught him and brought him around they both felt something though it seemed untrue their eyes showed all that love embues
(chorus x2)
This is the first song I wrote with lyrics. Actually, I don't even have music for it, yet, but if anyone wants to send me music for it, or just make music with it, that would be fine with me. It's supposed to be Rock/Metal, but hey, have fun with it...
Humans are Morons Misery Loves company is the saying I've always heard. Delivery! Satan's specialty He'll supply us `till we're lurid. Atrophy! Our whole life story We will decay `till we die! Apathy! is how it's handled we'll die and we won't even try!
(Chorus) Cause we're all Morons! And we think we're the best in the world! We're all morons! We'll be that way `till our carcasses curl! Our time is at hand, but we don't understand. Listen to me! It's what we were born to be!
Destiny! of course it's true there's no way in Hell we can stop it! Constantly! We're forced to do wrong and there's nothing we can do about it! Agony! We all have pain until we commit to the reign. Suffering! [Jenova?] will swell! Until we are all truly maimed!
Individuality or Stupidity
Individuality Is our right (al)`most constantly. But we don't need to peirce our skin mark permantant ink on with a pin
(chorus) `Cause we're already different! There's not much that you need to do invent a style do something wild But don't do something that'll stick to you!
You don't need eight holes in your ear much less any more in your rear you eyebrows and your lip are fine your navel has a good design
What about a cool tattoo? What're you thinking, moron! Fool! It won't ever come off easy besides it fades and turns out cheesy
(chorus x2)
I don't usually write anything about my family. In fact, this was commissioned... for a school project... say what you want, but I don't like it either...
My Family is Protected
Don't take them away I love my family so They may cause me pain but it helps me to grow Please let them be it's me you want don't be so cruel you just can't
(chorus) because I won't let you by you'll have to go through me whether with sword in hand or on bended knee you can just try to win but can't you tell don't mess with me or you'll fall prey to my spell You'll die before you can harm them because they're important and you're not as far as I'm concerned you're the one who's brought your own demise don't try to disguise the fear in your eyes.
There is no way I'll let this evil pass I'll destroy you you can't escape my grasp you tried to harm my family you mess with them and you mess with me.
I have more coming as soon as I get around to typing them out...
RavendorFoxx · Sat Sep 23, 2006 @ 06:00am · 1 Comments |
Name: Rick James Foxx Sex: Male Height: 4'10" ? (I'm not sure... he's up to my chest, and I'm 5"10) Weight: 80 lb Fur color: Dark orange. White tip on tail. White chest and chin. Black hands and feet up to just above the ankles and wrists, and black tips on ears. Eyes: Full pale yellow with large round pupils. They sometimes glow white when he's harnessing a strong power or emotion. (normally foxes have cat-eye pupils, but this isn't an ordinary fox) Race: Anthropomorphic Fox Age: 325 years, though he appears to be in his late twenties. Power(s)/weapon(s): Has a small ethereal sphere that he uses to transfer energy for bolt/flame attacks, and he can morph it into other weapons, or use it to create a powerful shield around his body then reflects anything that comes in contact with it. He also has a rare (and rarely used) ability to drain the energy from his enemies to use their own abilities and powers against them... Short Bio: As a pup, he was exiled from his tribe after losing his power in an accident. He roamed the earth for 300 years gaining new abilities and strengths, and also taking on an oath of complete silence. But, after the 300 years nearly passed, he was fed up with life and went to a small village to sacrifice himself. He was caught by a 1000 year old hero of legend (named Ravendor) who had just awoken from a long sleep, and renewed Rick's powers. Rick was grateful beyond words, so he showed it through a psychic bond (which is a great honor and shows deep respect). He then went on to join a new tribe, came upon a female (named Vixen... no pun intended) , fought another foxx with the ability to turn into steel, won the female's hand in union, discovered that she was the chief's daughter and he had just won a battle against the champoin, became the champion himself, (by the way, he isn't mute anymore), and so on... (There's much more, but it would take many more paragraphs, if not a full page to summarize...) Appearance: (See links on bottom) Personality: Cautious, courageous, paranoid, powerful, humble, quiet, assertive, polite
http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c229/Ravendorfoxx/Rickwarpaintfinished.jpg http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c229/Ravendorfoxx/RickJamesFoxxfinished.jpg http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c229/Ravendorfoxx/RickPOedfinished2.jpg http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c229/Ravendorfoxx/things%20I%20just%20found/riverfox.jpg
Name: Magnus Sex: Male Height: 5"4' Weight: 100lb Fur color: Grey with a slight tinge of brown. When reflecting sunlight directly, it seems to have the luster and color of all the crystals. Eyes: Like a wolf. Species: Anthropomorphic Wolf Age: Unknown (I haven't decided, yet.) Short Description: Magnus is a strong leader of a small wolf pack. He is a wise, but spontaneous wolf. He often makes mistakes in battle, but quickly corrects his errors before any extreme consequences can occur. Power(s)/weapon(s): He has the power of contolling crystal matter. He places his palm on the ground and lets daimond/ruby/other crystals collect onto it and form into the shape he desires. What's more, this kind of crystal is so refined that it drains the very energy out of its victims, giving the crystal a kind of glowing power of its own. Personality: Wise, good leader, family/pack oriented, decisive, kind, generous, thoughtful, sometimes concieted. Appearance: Grey wolf anthro? (I'm working on it) http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c229/Ravendorfoxx/things%20I%20just%20found/lakota.jpg
Name: Ravendor Hill
Weight: 210 lb?
Height: 6"2'
Age: 1530+ years (appears to be in early 30s)
Species: Fox Neko/Demon
Gender: Male
Abilities: Transforms into raven, a raven 5X normal size with adamantium feathers and protected glowing gold eyes, and a fox. Is able to create/control flame. Is extremely adept at martial arts and samurai arts, especially swordsmanship.
Bio:Once, in ages past (about 1000 years ago), there were two powerful beings. One fought for good, and the other fought for evil. The one who fought for good was called Ravendor and the one who fought for evil was called Drek. Ravendor had the abilities to create and manipulate fire, and transform into four different forms which were: a fox, a raven, a raven five times larger than normal with adamantium feathers, and his humanoid fox demon form. He also had other abilities that had not been tapped yet. Drek's abilities were not entirely known, but what was known was that he could manipulate water and ice, and he could transform into a wolf and other beings. Ravendor was a wise man who battled against the forces of darkness in the name of Justice and Mercy. Throughout his life, he saved many villages, and he collected a few treasures. These were a blue sword with a gem imbedded in the blade which could strike the enemy with lightning, a sai that could make the opponent's weapon stick in place, and two rings with black stones that can hold any amount of power put in them. One fateful day, Ravendor and Drek fought a battle. Fatal blows were struck. What happened to Drek is unknown, but Ravendor was able to escape with his life, just barely. He put most of his power into the rings, and he hid his weapons and the ring with the most of his energies in it in the center peak of some "Rocky Mountains" in the "Promised Land." Then, he flew back to Europe as a raven, and crawled into a hole as a fox and began a deep sleep. Legend says that one day he will come back and cleanse the world of evil once again with the power regained from his rings and weapons.
Appearance: (Gaian avatar description (Fox items, royal yukata, wooden sandals, and. Hair is red, eyes are fully yellow with black slitted pupils.)) http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c229/Ravendorfoxx/my%20art/RavendorFightingOgre.jpg
Name: Vixen Species: Fox Anthro Sex: Female Height: 4"8' Weight: 76lb Fur color: Orange. Eyes: Emerald Green Age: 276 years (appears to be 20) Power(s)/Weapon(s): Ability to create any illusion. Especially adept at creating hallucinatory beings and creatures, though she's not very good with faces. Bio: Working on it...
Name: Pedro (used to be Peter) Species: Fox Anthro Sex: Male Height: 4"10' Weight: 80 lb Appearance: Looks just like Rick, except he doesn't have a glowing sphere, but he DOES have a leather bag with a shoulder strap that he carries with him at all times. Age: 325 Power(s)/Weapon(s): Has healing abilities, basically. He's able to cure any illness, like a magical surgeon. He has the ability to control and create chemicals from thin air which he normally puts to good use in his healing practices. He studied anatomy for the first 300 years of his life, and he still looks for more, on and off. He is also trained in using throwing knives and other short bladed weapons, and he always knows WHERE to strike... Bio: Brother of Rick. When Rick was exiled from the tribe, Peter felt guilty and ran away to the south. There, he was taught how to use his healing powers at their full potential, and was taught how to diagnose any ailment. Over the years of training, he picked up a hispanic accent, and changed his name to Pedro. When his training was finished, he left his mentor to go help the world, but he was captured by an evil beast king, and was forced to do the king's bidding. He eventually was able to escape that king, and is now running away constantly from the Beast King's forces.
Name: Nian Race: Flying Fox (bat)
Age: N/A Height: 5'2" Weight: 70+ lb Scars/ Physical traits: His wings come apart, so he can put on sharp gauntlets on his long fingers... And, he has burn scar spots in various places on his wings. Image: This is as close as I can get, so far... But, it's not perfect...
(He's actually black, though )
Occupation: Wizard (uses elemental magic, mostly...) Does miscellaneous jobs... for the right price... Skills: Powerful in Elemental magic. Especially adept with fire and ice. Often created little bat minions to do his bidding (which are normally just little tasks, like collecting fruit...) He is quite capable of melee combat as well, being able to use his staff or long sword-like gauntlets that make him look like he's holding 5 swords in each hand... Personal Background: Originally, he was just a mercenary bat who came upon a dead elemental mage's library. He became interested and studied until he was fairly good at the magic himself. He learned to mix potions to make minions, etc... Later in his life, an old bat, named Niccian, took him in as an apprentice and taught him much more in the area of magic, while Nian taught Niccian some things about hand-to-hand combat. Eventually, he made his way to the big city to look for some way to earn some money. He decided to do random work for those needing his particular skills. (Like a mercenary, or a messenger, or deconstruction agent, or whatever...) Gear: Wooden magic staff with a crystal ball embedded in the top and the sword-like finger gauntlets. In his home, he has a cauldron and miscellaneous potions/herbs/ingredients/etc...
Notes of Interest: He has a certain minion that was created by accident when he spilled fruit juice into a potion. It's a pink bat, named Cheese. It has an unabated hunger for cheese, and it often clings to strangers until they agree to be its friend. Nian usually keeps him in a cage, unless he is needed for a certain (and often suicidal) task, and it always succeeds. Nian is a bit... eccentric. Some believe that he has half vampire bat blood in him. He often finds himself craving blood, but then he'll remember he's a fruit bat, and it'll all go away. He acts a tad psychotic at times... And, he has a very good sense of humor (hence, the pink bat being still alive, instead of destroyed the moment it was created).
I might add more later...
RavendorFoxx · Sat Sep 23, 2006 @ 05:59am · 1 Comments |