Don't have a title for this one yet...
I love him and I know he loves me We want to be together for eternity Out family's here, our friends too At this ceremony ending with "I do."
We promise our love and say our vows And noone will believe what we do now I pull up my skirt and pull out a blade He unsheaths his sword, we're ready for our graves
These blades, both mine and his Completing our moment of wedded bliss The crowd watches in awe at our odd feat Too surprised and shocked to speak
We plunge them in, our hearts now one Our souls together, as we burn in the sun A mark on our palms from the blades, a burn To die together, for only that we yearned
Now, together forever, noone can seperate Our souls, our hearts, or the red string of fate
And notice I said BURN in the sun. Not SPARKLE. 3nodding