Short story for English: Survival of a Shattered World |
Heres a short story I had to do for english class, well i had to shorten it so the details could have been better... I'll write everything in chapters and add in more events during the summer xpp I'm sorry for it to be so longggggg
In the year of 2480 I Reverie Maltine felt the world’s greatest earthquake. It shook for more than 20 hours. Ripping the earth’s thin layer of land, the destruction was horror and shock to everyone. Soon the earth’s crust was broken into pieces and flew away from the earth’s center. The land did not reach past the atmosphere, because of the earth’s strong gravity. Later, the moving of the land that we now call blocks became peaceful and stable, floating more than 170 feet from the water’s surface. The oxygen was still present and fresh, making the floating blocks inhabitable. Underneath, the rushing ocean flowed past the empty spaces. The sky was clear blue and wisps of misty white clouds surrounded the area. The earth was now in a beautiful sight after a great phenomenon and history had just started a new beginning.
The people continued with their lives after a few adjustments to their new home. Soon, new inventions were made. With the new introductions of air ships and new problems for claims of land, Pirates and war formed.
Reverting back to a system of leaders the lands were divided into territories. The most powerful territory at that time was an area called Romaiso. King Devon Romea ruled the area peacefully and efficiently. He was a wise and experienced man.
Little did everyone know, an evil spirit of sins was locked deep underneath the land and water. With the earth’s removal of land, the spirit pushed through the pressure of the water and met with humanity. The spirit was called Mudious. He was a hateful being who saw ways opposite of good. Mudious was expelled from another galaxy and came here in attempt to rule this one. Being a powerful dark wizard that used black magic to produce misery, he formed a planet. Using his powerful black magic, he made mindless vessels of mortals to be his minions.
My ancestors before me made their own planets and the living. This was a task given to us by the holy Unnamed One. When our time is done, our creations vaporize and us along with it. The few remaining particles formed into our next family member, the person we pass our duty to. It was our destiny from the Unnamed one; we were content with our fate so it was never a problem.
At the time Mudious appeared, I was quite young, and had already formed my own planet which I call earth and the living creatures on it. Mudious had his plan to take over my galaxy and started first by taking over earth. I created a strong army of holy warriors and destroyed his battalion. Mudious was abandoned by his creator and became weak; I was able to seal him down below the earth. His planet created by necromancy was destroyed. He was locked inside the earth’s core for what I meant to be eternity. Mudious’s body rotted and he became a spirit of sins that used his anger to fuel the earth.
Having contact with society, Mudious as a spirit could only possess people and objects. He planned to dominate the earth once again. Seeing the King of Romaiso, the man of power, Mudious developed a plan to possess the King and rule the world under his authority.
The possessed king already started on war to obtain more territory and passed unnecessary laws to his people.
I couldn’t do much to prevent the future from happening. I can not depart from my realm in the universe, but I can send small forms of myself. The incarnations held much of my power but had fragile bodies. I had to find someone whom could help capture Mudious and restore the peace that was so hard to attain over the recent panic.
I chose a 23 year old young man named Austin Romea; the nephew of the king. Austin was a capable, talented boy who makes quick decisions; the perfect heir for a powerful reign. One night my thoughts reached him in a dream.
“Hello Austin, I am the creator of your world, my name is Reverie Maltine. I have an important task for you to do. It will involve bravery, and possibly pain. The reward is the peace restored to the planet.” My voice drifted in his dream.
In confusion, the boy replied. “You are the creator? What kind of task do you have to involve such importance for me? Is this just a dream?”
“Tomorrow at sunset on the cliff of Sahiru, you will meet my incarnation, my messenger because I cannot leave my place. You will know who she is when you see her.”
Austin awoke moments after my voice faded. He couldn’t stop thinking of the weird dream he had and the divine voice that echoed in his head. Finally sunset came and Austin was already at Sahiru cliff and thinking deeply. When the light from the sun disappeared from the sky he waited a few moments. Behind him he felt gentle air on his back. As he turned, he saw a silver nightingale perched on a rock. Soft purple mist surrounded the nightingale and the nightingale formed into a small girl. The girl had pale skin like ivory and the moonlight shone against it. She had long silvery hair and a round face. A beautiful set of violet purple eyes stood out from her pale appearance. She was wearing a tunic lose robe of white and purple; the colours of purity and mystery. She opened her mouth and spoke for the first time, her angelic voice was emotionless.
“I am an incarnation from Reverie Maltine, a messenger. Please call me Ren. Austin Romea this is not a dream, an evil spirit that had been sealed in the earth has been released due to the earth’s recent form. The evil spirit by the name of Mudious Coverdell plans to dominant the world, hence brings chaos as well as misery to the people. He plans to do this by possessing your uncle, King Devon. Will you help prevent further destruction?”
“Well how am I supposed to do this?” Austin asked.
“You must reach my mistress’s realm, the Garden of Eden where the souls of the fallen are in paradise. There, you need to pick a specific herb that will drive Mudious out from possessing your uncle by simply swallowing the powder from it. I can lead you to where my mistress is, but it will be a long and possibly difficult journey, so gather resources and people.” As Ren finished, she slowly and gracefully walked towards Austin, she held his hand gently and asked again: “Will you help keep the peace of your world that is so important and hard to attain?”
Austin placed his other hand on top of hers and said “Yes, yes I will, as a promise to you and the world, I will put my life on the line and save humankind.”
The morning that came, Austin had already gathered a crew, a strong ship, and supplies. They set sail first break of dawn. One of the king’s spies that Mudious had created watched the whole meeting of Ren and Austin. The spy then notified Mudious and he tried his best to prevent Austin’s ship from sailing. The ship of Austin’s called Silver Mystery escaped her pursuers of 2 ships, and took little damage.
The story starts here, where Silver Mystery’s crew is heading out of Romaiso. The crew had 8 members; a captain, a navigator, a cook/medic, Ren, and 4 other members.
Dewey Jules was a chubby 29 year old man with blonde hair and ice blue eyes. Veronica Elsa was a calm, quiet, and collected 24 year old woman with long black hair, dark eyes and a tanned body. Chris So, was a 22 year old young Asian man with short black hair and dark brown eyes. Marcus Sanchez was also a 22 year old with the same features but darker skinned. Sky Ellison was a 21 year old navigator. She had long dirty blonde hair and eyes of intense green. Julian Ellison was the cook and medic of the ship. He is the older brother of Sky and had similar intense blue-green eyes. The captain was clearly Austin with Ren whom decided where they needed to go.
“Since we have escaped our pursuers, we are heading for that gateway to the Garden of Eden. Ren where is the entrance to your realm?” Austin asked. Ren closed her deep violet eyes and replied slowly. “Well there are 7 portals, each of them are placed in the 7 wonders of the world. Sky, where is the nearest seventh wonder?”
“Hmm, Stonehenge I believe.” Sky said after searching her bundle of maps.
“Then we should head to Stonehenge.” Ren concluded looking at Austin.
“Well Sky, where is Stonehenge? How far do we have to go?” Austin asked
“It is, about 2 days north. Let’s hope there will be no one interrupting our way.” Sky replied, ending the conversation.
Everyone relaxed and prepared for their 2 day journey to Stonehenge. When they had the block where Stonehenge was located in sight, Austin announced. “Well, there it is. Get ready to dock. Ren and I will leave the ship, everyone else stay and guard.”
“Yes captain! Please be careful!” Everyone said.
In moments they docked and the dual left. The block Stonehenge was on was fairly small. It was just a peaceful small meadow around the ancient rocks that were surprisingly still standing after a greatly effective earthquake.
Most of the rocks of Stonehenge have fallen from previous times and were half buried in the dirt. Ren stepped forward into the center of the scene while Austin followed. The two gathered in the center.
“Ren, what happens now?” Austin asked impatiently.
“I will start to open the portal. You will not have to move. Simply, you just sink in. You will be in darkness but in moments you will appear in the Garden of Eden.” Ren sounded assuring.
Austin nodded, braced himself and waited.
Ren turned around and clamped her hands together. She closed her violet eyes and everything was silent for a minute. She started chanting something in Latin and her body began to disappear, leaving a trial of purple mist. The purple mist collected into a ball and a silver nightingale with ribbon like tails formed. The nightingale flew a circle around the ancient rocks. Slowly the rocks formed into their best condition again. Ren as the nightingale then circled around Austin. Her trail lit up, the circle she created glowed and the inside of the vortex looked like ripples of light blue water. Austin slowly sank into the water and was greeted by darkness.
Suddenly, Austin landed gracefully on a pile of soft green leaves.
“Welcome to the Garden of Eden. I am Reverie Maltine, the creator of your universe. I’ve been expecting you, Austin.” The elegant voice of mines echoed as I walked towards him.
I obviously looked like my incarnation except I had a sharp face rather than round and was taller. My long silvery hair was half tied in a lose bun and I wore an elegant robe of deep blue and pale purple.
Austin quickly stood up and bowed his head slightly. “It is a pleasure to meet you in person.” He said.
“It’s alright not to be so formal, we have to make haste. You must take this herb; the Vitious perputa back to the mortal world and force King Devon to swallow the powder found within it.” I said handing a white flower bud looking herb to Austin. He held the herb in his hand and covered it with his other hand.
“I will send you back now. Farewell Austin.” I declared hastily.
Austin closed his eyes. Soon a circle around him formed as he sank into a puddle of liquid.
Austin woke up in the captain’s office on the ship.
“Huh? How’d we get here? What happened?” Sky asked in surprise.
“After you came out of the portal, you were so exhausted that you two didn’t wake up after lying on the ground. I had Julian carry you back. We are currently on our way back to Romaiso. In about 2 hours we will be spotted.” Sky said coming in the room with Ren holding bread and water.
“I’ve been asleep for two days?!?!?” Austin exclaimed. “What if something had happened? You should have at least waked me up.”
“You needed your rest Austin, if there was a crisis, we would have. Luckily there wasn’t. Let’s prepare our strategy in the next two hours.” Sky said calmly.
Austin sighed, and stood up. “Well then, our goal is to get the herb in the King’s mouth, I say we should leave the ship somewhere where it won’t be detected, I’ll take the small boat and go to my palace. Then all I’ll need is to get close to him. ”
“Don’t worry Austin; I can transfer you to his room. You won’t even need to use the small boat. If anything happens, I’ll just transfer you back on the ship. Once Mudious has come out from your uncle’s body, I will seal him and take him back to Reverie for permanent sealing.” Ren replied solving the problems.
2 hours later, everything happened according to plan. It was almost midnight, the stars dotted along the sky with the bright moon. There were no clouds in sight. The ship was left behind. Austin, using Ren’s magic teleported to his uncle’s room who luckily was asleep. Opening the white herb-bud, Austin found the powder inside. He sprinkled the powder in the King’s mouth and waited. After a long silence, the king awoke choking. Still choking, there seemed to be a red-black mist come out of his mouth. The ominous mist turned into a spirited image of an old sinister man. Ren without a sound was standing behind Austin all along. She stepped in front of the ominous spirit and quickly performed her ritual. Chanting something in Latin, she used her hands to make a wired box. The box was a soft green colour, the lid opened as Ren continued her chanting. Mudious’s spirit seemed to be pulled into the box. Furious wind swept in the chamber. In a long moment, Mudious was contained in the magical container. It turned gold as it locked. The king’s chamber was peaceful again and silent. The king was already fast asleep.
“Well this is farewell, you should be proud to have saved the world. Tell the crew my thanks and good byes.” Ren said as she suddenly faded away. She returned to me with Mudious in the box. I first weakened and sealed Mudious’s powers away from him. I sealed Mudious’s spirit in the depths of the Sun, farther away from the mortals.
As for Austin and his crew, they lived happily sailing around the planet in the Silver Mystery searching for new wonders and started tours around the world.
Love my kitty? His name is Billy
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fiona_rox · Thu Feb 14, 2008 @ 05:37am · 0 Comments |