so exited!
well since its summer break mom says we will sometime go on a *SHOPPING SPREE* at the mall!!!!!! blaugh rofl xd . iv always wanted to see inside the wonderful store they call "hot topic". i think i saw the outside of it once, it was like a slice of heven. but i never got to see inside. i want to go there so i can make a good gothic impression on my new school. it will just be sad if the dress code says "no spikey stuff or chains". luckily i dont think it does. hopefully they dont allow tank tops cuz they remind me of sweat and body odor. xp we went to walmart yesterday to get backpacks. i would use my old one, but its old and it has a mysterie pocket that i used to stuff old food and trash in cuz i was too lazy to throw it away. i dont wanna clean that pocket. besides, i think my new backpack is better. its one of those where it goes over one shoulder, and is good for carrieing laptops. it has a few extra pockets, good for art supplies. im going to the denver school of the arts, so it will come in handy. mom says i may need a pocket for a portfolio to hold all my pictures, but that is what the extra pocket is for. she was even jenerous enough to get a $10.00 locker kit. it comes with 3 magnetic frame things, i gave them too my sis cuz i didnt like 'em, and it comes with a refrigerator clip, another small magnet, a stuff holder, and even a white board with an expo marker with an eraser attached to the end of it. and this last one will come in use, a small mirror attached to the white board. im always fiddling with my hair, cuz im gonna make it look like my avi's. im gonna quit dying ma hair red, cuz mom says its ruining it and is expensive, so insted im gonna dye ma hair pure black. its short with an "A" line in the back. the only way i know my hair isnt messed up is if i cant see well out of one eye. mom got me mini strong hairspray, so ill stick that in the stuff pocket thing to go in ma locker. i wonder what the new lunches will be like.....
If my fish r glowing plz catch the gold or PM me 