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I can't believe someone is reading this...
Aiden show!
Was so cool you have no idea! The first band that came up
was hella cool two. By the second song I had already got pushed into the circle pit.
I got at my friend Daneils at twelve and at three we got to the belmont waited
three hours for the show. But it was worth it. I hella started moshing and hxc dancing.
But by the time Aiden came up I was so drained. I was in the front like two people
in front of me. But there was hundreds of people crammed into a small a** room. So I had trouble breathing and the crowd was the only thing keeping me standing. But I kept telling myself you'll get through it. The next thing you knew it, I got dizzy and everything was getting black, and I hear a voice, I didn't know who, ask "OMG, are you ok?" and she dragged me out (I'm surprised I didn't get trampled on) to the bathroom and I like fell in the sink. They started pouring water on me and I slowly started to picture things out again. I was still a bit dizzy but it all started coming back after the water. I believe that the lack of oxygen for my body got to me, so my body made me pass out. All in all the concert was bad a**. I also think that I now like one of my friends friend. He was just really nice and kind. The whole time there I saw girls
getting protected by boyfriends, and I sorta wish I had someone to protect me. I asked my friend Daniel if there was any hope between me and "Zack" and he said
he was a whore....D: But then again Daniel is my ex, and dunno.
Tonight was really fun tho. And I just wanted to typed this so I won't forget anything. Oh yeah, I also touch Will Francis!!!!!!and there was this one point where
he raised his hands so I did the same and BAM!!!! I got hit in the head with a base guitar, and everyone went crazy. The first song they played was "We sleep forever"
which is my fave, by them so I was happy in the end. smile
Sorry for this being so sloppy and having many grammer errors, but I'm VERY tired, it's late, and my mom's pissed at me for not answering my phone. So night.

Death By Waffle
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Death By Waffle
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