I would just like to say thank you for taking your time to read this. Let's go over some ground rules (for me): 1. This is my progress blog, so I will not put personal stuff on here... maybe. 2. I will allow myself to shamelessly self-promote, because I've learned that this is how you progress in the world. 3. I will answer questions and do commissions for gold as practice. Practice makes perfect. smile 4. I will always accept constructive criticism, because that's the only way to get better. 5. I will not allow abusive behavior toward myself, and will take everything said with a grain of salt. 6. My personal work website is linked on my profile. 7. I will post excerpts of writing on here, since I don't really have anywhere else to put them.
Thank you for looking over my expectations for myself. This honestly had nothing to do with you.
SO! Here's a little update: going to sell some artwork at a tournament in LA on Saturday. My poison counters will most likely end up being 20 each. I will take pictures of all of these before I go. I'm thinking 25 for the germ token I'm currently working on, since I know someone who really wants one.
The ones that I'll be keeping for showcase are: Creepy Dolls French poison counter Islands from Rise of Eldrazzi (I think.) Zombie token
Ones I still need to make for the showcase are: Kamigawa Island Rotting Fensnake Deathtouch wolf token Elemental token like... 5 different lands Plant token
So, what does that mean? It means no real RPing for me for a week,