And, despite my attempts to shrug it off, there are occasions where this makes me feel... irrelevant, disposable, replaceable. That I am to be regarded an anathema for daring to have this outlandish desire to share significant bonds with others in ways that go beyond the superficial. And because it has happened so often over the years, I sometimes lose a battle to not believe it... or at least give them ground, even if on some level inside I know I shouldn't.
It's something that many people struggle with... and because of that, I also know that it's an internal war that no one else can completely fight for me, just as I know that I can't fully take over theirs on their behalf, or solve all their problems for them.
But if I can offer any form of insight about this... it's that whether we can realize and accept it or not, we all have our own worth that, in some ways, only we can really acknowledge. It's there... though finding it and holding onto it is also part of that same war of self-esteem.
Still, for my own part, I know that as difficult as it can be at times... I have to keep fighting. I have to survive. Because of the alternatives that are out there, none of them look all that appealing in the long run.
So... whether or not anyone else can really perceive it or appreciate it... I have to remember, I have to know... that in my own personal fashion, I am, and always shall be... "One of a Kind".

*Turns around and dives sideways into the primordial void, smirking devilishly*