Quite often I find myself watching TV, since its right there and all. I have noticed that there are few good commercials. You might have noticed this when the Superbowl commercials sucked for the first time. At least from the point were I was old enough to have the attention span to watch it.
I dare you to watch a commercial after reading this and not think about all of the flaws in any given commercial. Take the recent Vonage commercials. An obvious loser who probably watches Star Trek every night in the dark and his keyboard on his lap is dumping a very hot girl. She keeps asking take her back but he leaves the car and gets hit by an orange box. He picks up the box and says "Sweet! Vonage!" but I see something different.
Vonage threw a box at the nerd: They obviously don't care about their customers since they throw their product's box at you.
Then the orange WINDOWLESS van drives away: Vonage obviously ignores any problems that may lead to a lawsuit. That van seemed to be in a hurry, I bet it was because of their flawed delivery service.
"Sweet! Vonage": It doesn't matter what they do, people will blindly follow them. Not to mention that the people who actually seem excited about the product seem to be well... mentally retarded, and in one of their commercials: blond.
The fact that they fall over: That box is dangerous I tell you! Whomever is hit by the box falls over and seem dumb for a few seconds. That box was thrown hard! Probably filled with rocks, too.
I would also like to note that the commercials seem to suggest that Vonage is proud to be the cheapest available. I mean, at least have some pride! What kind of person wants to parade around that they are so cheap that anyone can afford it? Their CEO probably takes the bus to work, and those orange boxes are actually made in some foreign country because its too expensive to make paper-thin cardboard boxes here in America.
Now tell me, would you get Vonage if you saw the only people buying it were people with some obvious mental deficiencies and a head concussion?
GinoLeTV · Wed Mar 07, 2007 @ 04:04am · 6 Comments |