Okay, important announcement!! I am SO sorry for not working on my profile list, however, I have had quite a few tests lately. So, I'll get back to that, the list is on the next page still, keep an eye on it!!
Okay, I swear that that wasn't the only reason I decided to waste a journal entry for.
The real reason I even started this journal entry is to give thanks to all of my friends on Gaia for being there for me. This is SO long overdue, and I would do a post for each of you, but there are:
1. Waaaaaaaay too many of you.
2. Both you and I know that I wouldn't get around to everyone.
So, here's my thanks, in one large, oversized journal entry. I hope you can feel my thanks radiating from it!! *grins*
GullwingsMember-Rikku, you are my cousin, my best friend, my twin sister. I try to show you how much you truly mean to me each day, at school, on the phone, everything. You're my other half, and we couldn't survive without each other.
Rikku Master Thief, if the Rikku above wasn't my Rikku, you surely would be. You're such an awesome Rikku, your role play is so awesome, and you've got it so together!!
Rikku the Sphere Hunter, you're so awesome!!! I'm so going to miss you when you leave!! You've always got a spot with me!! *smiles*
GullwingsMember-Paine, you're so much like a sister to me, it's not even funny. Even though miles may separate us, we're still together!! Don't let anyone get you down!!!
Gippal Jinx, you're totally like my older brother. If something happens, I know I can come to you. You're totally awesome.
Baralai Jinx, you're so awesome!! You're such a good friend, I can't even begin to describe it.
XXXFlower_Merchant_AerisXXX, you're one of my best friends here. Whenever I need someone to talk to, you're totally there.
Okay, so I can't catagorize you like the others, but you're such an awesome friend, I know you're always there for me.
Guardian Sir Auron, you're probably one of the best friends I have on Gaia. You're totally like my real life Guardian, and I know I can come to you for anything. And you won't ever leave me without saying goodbye. *smiles*
Summoner Songstress Lenne, you're another one of my totally awesome friends. You've almost always cheered me up.
When everything's falling down, I know I can count on you for a little bit of sanity. You've been such a wonderful friend ever since I started cosplaying, and I really have to thank you for about half of my dresspheres.
When I'm so out of touch with reality, you totally bring me in. You've been a good friend since I started talking with you on Seifer's profile, and you're still a good one now.
Uncle Lioridian:
Okay, you're just so awesome. You're so much like an Uncle or an older brother to me. Sure, your life sucks right now, but I'm sure you'll get it straightened out. I've got so much faith in you.
Marlene Wallace VII, it's just so amazing how wonderful you are. You're so nice, and I feel like I take you for granted sometimes. Never change, okay?
Okay, you have got to be the most dedicated role player I have ever seen. I just wanted to say thank you to you for putting up with my role play for so long.
Luna, you've been so awesome to me and I really don't deserve it. You're a wonderful role player, and I wish you so much luck later in life.
Cloud / Lightning:
Cloud Remnant, you're a totally awesome friend, you and Lightning_Final_Fantasy always bring a smile to my face.
Balthier of the Strahl, it's been so wonderful role playing with you, Rikku, Crytuf, and whoever else comes our way!! You're such an awesome friend.
Lady Yunalesca:
Even though you have two accounts, you only get one thanks. *smiles* Farplane Memoirs, you're another one of my totally awesome friends here. Whenever I need help with something, or someone to cheer me up, you're there!! You're also someone I can talk about my real life with, and have actual girl talk. It's actually kind of nice.
Casperrr xoxo:
Other than thanks for the video, you're such an awesome cosplayer, role player, and friend. You were so awesome as Ultimecia, and I didn't know you as Lenne, but you are still so awesome.
Okay, there are sooooooooo many more of you that I can put on this list, but I do think I've put on quite a few already. There are my thanks, and I thank you all for putting up with me, since I know that I'm not always the easiest person to live with.
Also, a special thanks to:
-Guardian Sir Auron-
-Rikku Master Thief-
-Uncle Lioridian-
You guys have all stood up for me, Rikku and Lioridian for when Spoon was being so awful in the role play that one day, and Auron, with Leafy and pretty much everything else that has been bothering me lately. I thank you all.